Video meta tags problem

3 replies
Hi - I would like to edit the meta tags of my video files so that the comment field reflects the filename. So if the filename is "Fast Cars.mp4" then the meta tag comments field should say "Fast cars". It's trivial to do this one at a time, but try doing 100 at a time - I need a bulk tag editor for that.
The problem is that while there are lots of free meta tag editors, I can't find anything that will do this. It would be OK to create a list of filenames and a list of associated metatags and then run a script to do this, but again, no obvious way for a non-programmer like me to do this.

This must be a common problem - any thoughts or suggestions?

#meta #problem #tags #video
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    This can be done using Python PyFFmpg but you do need someone to write the code for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KirkMcD
    Originally Posted by Steven Roberts View Post

    Hi - I would like to edit the meta tags of my video files so that the comment field reflects the filename. So if the filename is "Fast Cars.mp4" then the meta tag comments field should say "Fast cars". It's trivial to do this one at a time, but try doing 100 at a time - I need a bulk tag editor for that.
    You want the Comments tag or the Title tag populated with the file name?
    I have something that does this but I wrote it for myself and it isn't very user friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    Thanks for the input. I've found the answer: Tag Scanner freeware does the trick
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