whats the best way to create an application on the google play

5 replies
any one have an expearience to tell me whats the best way to create an application on the google play??
#application #create #google #play
  • Profile picture of the author element121
    One option is appery.io, you can make an app easily there and it will make the file ready for publishing to Google Play or iTunes.
    It might not be best, but it's an option.

    You can also use the Android studio... https://developer.android.com/develop/index.html
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  • Profile picture of the author Thoughtgrid
    Easiest way to distribute an android app via google play store it is the simplest way reach the million of potential user before uploading the app you prepare few things there are during the publish process about maturity rating of your app,also need to watch the size of your app,set the price of your app country should be distributed.
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  • Profile picture of the author sunsetcoder
    You should create error free application and which is very useful to the comoon people to get more download. And it would be published in google play easily
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin smith
    The best way to distribute an application that you want to distribute to public. The best way to do so is to upload your application to Google play.
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  • Profile picture of the author jefftaylor64
    Download Android Studio, and develop the app. Before you spend any time on developing, make sure you have your business model worked out, are you going to distribute for free with ads, or just go for a paid app ! .
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