How to pass multiple selections from the android application?

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I am developing an Android application and I need to pass multiple selections from the application,similar to selection from a multiselect checkbox.I have searched a lot and cannot find how to do this

anywhere.Can you please help?
Also, I need a Image gallery and if an image is selected user should be able to zoom in the image and view image.Is there any plugin or any example code that can do this that you would


Edit: To explain further I have attached a screenshot of the app.I am currently passing a single size and single color on each "Add to cart".I want to be able to send multiple sizes and color values.The

current code is given below. also I need to be able to zoom into the image which is in the square above the size and colour box.I hope this helps explain the problem I am facing.

EDIT: I am putting a shortened version of the code.This code passes a size value from the spinner when a value is selected.(setOnItemSelectedListener).the spinner has id size_spinner.


private void setSizeData(Context context, int pos) {

sizeList = new ArrayList<>();

sizeList = style_modelsList.get(pos).getSizeModels();

if (sizeList != null) {
SizeAdapter sizeAdapter = new SizeAdapter(context);
size_spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() {
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView


public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView
#android #android application #application #checkbox #gallery

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