iMacros vs UIPath vs Ubot

3 replies
Anyone have any comments about UIPath? I'm familiar with iMacros and use it a lot to make web tasks simpler and repeatable- eg uploading and configuring videos on YouTube. It's OK but not 100% reliable. Thought I'd look at UIPath and UBot - any comments or experience anyone would like to share?
UIPath Community is free; UBot Studio costs $$$, so maybe you get what you pay for.

#imacros #ubot #uipath
  • Profile picture of the author skyggelys
    Uipath business model is different, the dont make $ buy selling a tool. They create a super tool, make it free so enterprises can test easily and when they are interested, uipath sells the services. This is good news for businesses like us cause we can take benefit of an enterprise level automation tool for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author skyggelys
      And uipath is brilliant, also check workfusion, also free
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
        One good thing about UBOT is that you can compile bots into exe files. Is that possible with the others?
        FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers
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