2 replies
Hey guys,

Lets assume I want to add tweets scheduling to my product (online product, SAAS) since people are paying for it.

Could you please advise me on how to add the schedule functionality to my product, in a way that will be competitive and people will use it?

Of course i'm not looking for you to explain it thoroughly, I just need it in pointers (e.g: 1. do this. 2. do that and so on...)

Thank you!!
#scheduling #tweet
  • Profile picture of the author Cris Mihalache
    1. Read the docs: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/referen...tatuses/update
    2. Write a server integration with something like node.js

    At most it should take only a few hours with something like this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/twitter
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10996995].message }}
    • Terrific!
      Also - what you described is from the developers POV.

      Could you by any chance help me a little with the marketing POV? Meaning - how do i integrate it to my product in a good way that will be competitive to others?

      Maybe there's some data that I should provide to the developer in order for him to integrate it successfully?

      I hope my question is clear.

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