Which programming language is best for creating software for a wholesale spare parts business?

5 replies
I want to create a software for my business..My business is about whole sale spare parts...
#business #creating #language #parts #programming #sale #software #spare
  • Profile picture of the author James_w
    Originally Posted by Health Professionals View Post

    I want to create a software for my business..My business is about whole sale spare parts...
    Do you want to create a eCommerce store for your spare parts wholesale?

    word press+ woo + good theme or hire someone to do it for you.

    Ready To Go DropShip Websites

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  • Profile picture of the author jhonewill
    For web application eCommerce portals you can go for Magento. For desktop application and software try JAVA or DotNet programming languages. For this you can hire professional programmer team of these technologies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin smith
    For developing web application or ecommerce website you can use Wordpress or Magento..
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Michalsen
    Drupal Commerce / Magento / Wordpress Woo are my recommends, in order of my preference, which only means it is what I'm used to, and comfortable with. We have used Big Commerce with much success as well.

    My first question is, are you doing this alone, or do you have a developer? If alone, what are your chops like? If you have a developer, what are they comfortable with? Also, if they get hit by a bus, or just stop working for you, is the system open enough for others to step in? And are the competent enough of a developer that others can easily step in?

    You are asking what is a good programming language for what you want to build, which is a great question. But it may not be the best "first" question.

    Maybe the question should be "I have spent x years building html/css landing pages. How easy will it be for me to build an ecommerce site?" Or, "I have x years building iOs apps and would like to build an ecommerce site...what would be a good choice for me?"

    No experience is also a great starting point. No preconceived notions and ideas! In which I case I would say, if it was just you, say No to Drupal and Magento, and look at Big Commerce, or something similar.

    Do you have a user story you would like to share, or talk about your products, and how you envision managing inventory? Selling 5 items is great. Building an inventory control for 12,000 items, with multiple attributes, can get...challenging. Trust me, I know from experience
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