The best type of computer programming or software for this
I would like to know if anyone would help me out here and let me know what would be the best type of programming skill and/or software (if there is one and has been built yet). You see I am thinking about this idea for my affiliates and the affiliates program (mainly possibly for my new and upcoming membership site and also possibly my first main product), that maybe instead of either having them collect and get the whole amount from the % commission from my site, i was thinking of having and putting a points system( certain amount of points for a certain dollar amount) that they could accumulate and use for to upgrade to a higher membership status and/or maybe products (but I don't know and think it would go good just with my main digital products). i would like to know if anyone would know what would be a great computer programming skill and/or software ( if already built and available to get). Can anyone please let me (posting here) and help me out. k
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