Test Site Creation - WP plugins or Outright Programming

2 replies
Hi Buddies,

I want to create test site like https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/.

I am already familiar with wordpress, and have couple of site on it, but my fear and concern is flexibility and scalability.

I intend to grow it big, I don't know if I should use theme and plugin from WP or simply (hire someone to) build from scratch using the programming tools.

I am a core network person, with very little idea of programming and coding.

Please advise.
#creation #outright #plugins #programming #site
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  • Profile picture of the author secretja
    Use WordPress, it's cheaper and you will not have a problem with anything if you will maintain it properly.

    Originally Posted by justkennie View Post

    Hi Buddies,

    I want to create test site like https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/.

    I am already familiar with wordpress, and have couple of site on it, but my fear and concern is flexibility and scalability.

    I intend to grow it big, I don't know if I should use theme and plugin from WP or simply (hire someone to) build from scratch using the programming tools.

    I am a core network person, with very little idea of programming and coding.

    Please advise.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I am a core network person, with very little idea of programming and coding.

    Worpdress Kennie, plug ins and all. Here's why: many of the biggest sites on earth use Wordpress. If WP handles their traffic load fine, your site is small taters LOL...compared to these big dawg sites. Even as you really scale and grow it bigger and bigger WP plug ins and the overall platform can handle the job.

    Trying to program with little programming or coding experience is a nightmare. Offered by a non coder who has tried to code

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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