Problems with database for tracking202 install

by J Bold
8 replies
Hi everyone, wondered if anyone could help with this problem I'm having, as I have no clue.

I am trying to stall Prosper's Tracking202 on a sub-domain. Seemed to install correctly. When I log in I merely get this error message:

"Table '(my database name).202_delayed_sqls' doesn't exist

SELECT delayed_sql FROM 202_delayed_sqls WHERE delayed_time <=1262839030"

Also, when I run a check of the mysql database everything says "ok" except I get on message for cronjobs.php saying "The storage engine for the table doesn't support check." Although, I think that's irrelevant but not sure.

Any clue, anybody?
#database #install #problems #tracking202
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    I know I haven't had many views on this, but anybody have a clue?
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Pickett
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      I know I haven't had many views on this, but anybody have a clue?
      I'm a server admin, php programmer of 8 years, run my own server farm, etc.

      I can help you with this. It's going to require having access to the server.

      It doesn't look like your setup (or update) script actually ran. I'll be happy to look at the install and figure out what needs to be done to get the database working.

      PM me w/ your contact details, I prefer skype/yahoo/aim/gmail/live or email if no chat available. If your in CONUS talking on the phone is cool too.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Thank you for your offer. Hope you understand I'm a bit reticent as you have few posts here, but I have no reason to doubt you. Can anyone vouch for Richard?

    Do you think I could just delete the database and try to reinstall?
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    • Profile picture of the author saschakimmel
      Do you have root access to the command line of the server or can you execute SQL statements directly anywhere (phpMyAdmin for example)?

      In that case I'd suggest you enter these SQL queries:
      USE (my database name);

      If there is no table at all maybe you really should reinstall, although I don't use tracking20 so I can't help you with that directly.

      It may be possible that the tables have not been created because of insufficient rights of the database user you are using - although in my opinion this should be detected when installing it and displaying an error.Hope this helps! If not, ask

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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    As everyone else is alluding to it looks like the table doesn't actually exist. If you are comfortable using PHP MyAdmin or a similar database tool you should be able to establish this pretty quickly.

    This could have happened because (A) you did not run a script to create the table during installation or (B) you ran the script but it ran under an account that had insufficient permission to create the table.

    It's also possible that the table exists but your script can't connect to it due to insufficient permissions or incorrect parameters, however if that was the case you would have probably received a different error message.

    Bottom line - you need to determine if the table actually exists. If it doesn't you need to make it exist, either with a script or manually.

    Feel free to PM me if you need assistance in doing this.

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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    Are you sure you have the db_host setting correct? On most hosts, you would use "localhost" as the db_host.

    But on some hosts, it would be something like
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  • Profile picture of the author NowIstheTime
    In case you are using hostgator, here are some links that may help you:

    Seems they don't support the table partitioning feature (which is supposed to make the app use less CPU on the server).

    INstall Error
    Installing Prosper202 on Hostgator - BlueLayerMedia Blog
    1 300 000 people use Hostgator! - Now Impossible to instal Prosper 202!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Yes I was trying to put it on my hostgator as it is a dedicated server. I shall have to look in to this.


    Alright, those links NowIstheTime sent did the job. I reinstalled with no problems. Thanks a million, man.

    I hope if anyone else is having this problem in the future that they can find this and benefit from it.
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