need to change simple text link

5 replies
I need to change a simple text link on my homepage and have the ftp access but dont have the programming know how or the platform to download the code and change the text is there anybody local who may be able to help me out with this that any of the Warriors may highly reccomend.
#change #link #simple #text
  • Profile picture of the author BrianLeanza
    Assuming you are talking about a link to an url inside a html or php or asp page:

    The basic HTML Code for Links is

    <a href=''>WarriorForum</a>
    Of course you will want to replace '' with the Url you want the link to point to.
    And you want to replace the text 'WarriorForum' with the text you want to appear.

    If you want the linked page to appear in a new window you could add the 'target' directive:
    <a href='' target='_blank'>IBM</a>
    The value _blank telling the browser to open the link a new browser window.

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a PM

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  • Profile picture of the author lisag
    Originally Posted by charto911 View Post

    I need to change a simple text link on my homepage and have the ftp access but dont have the programming know how or the platform to download the code and change the text is there anybody local who may be able to help me out with this that any of the Warriors may highly reccomend.
    Download the page, zip it up and PM me with the old and new text. I'll give you my email address to send the file to, make the changes and send it back it back.

    -- Lisa G

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  • Profile picture of the author iampick
    If you want to access to you hosting with ftp access. You need to install FTP client program such as CuteFTP,...

    The information for connecting to hosting via ftp program are provided by Hosting Provider.

    ftp server
    ftp username
    ftp password
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  • Profile picture of the author chaos69
    Originally Posted by charto911 View Post

    I need to change a simple text link on my homepage and have the ftp access but dont have the programming know how or the platform to download the code and change the text is there anybody local who may be able to help me out with this that any of the Warriors may highly reccomend.
    1) If you have SSH access to your website, I can have this done for you in a matter of seconds. (check your hosting service)
    2) Likewise, although less desirable, if you have the FTP details
    3) If you are able to download the file and send it to me, I make the changes for you and send it back.

    Out of these, 1 and 2 require you to give me your username and password [PM, please] which you may, understandably, be reluctant to do.

    3 will require you to know how to use FTP which your post says you dont. If you are able to download the file yourself, its simply a case of opening it, searching for the text you want to replace and then saving/re-uploading it.
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  • Profile picture of the author falconeye848
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    • Profile picture of the author charto911
      wow thank you everybody to be fair Lisa Answered first so I will give her a shot + she is in the same state. I will let you know how it goes and am interested in a full time web person in the near future.
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