20 replies
I dont suppose any of you fine programmers can recommend a url rotator for split testing a squeeze page?

#rotator #script #url
  • Profile picture of the author hendricius
    Few months ago, I wrote a simple script that allows me to put in a list of Urls then the script starts visiting the Urls one after the other.

    All you have to do is add the Urls, the times you want to spend on each page and you're done.

    If you are interested I can sell you a copy of the script for only $9.99.

    This script helps me improve my Alexa ranking and get more exposure to many of the pages that don't receive any hits in my website.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you
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    • Profile picture of the author y302010
      Originally Posted by hendricius View Post

      Few months ago, I wrote a simple script that allows me to put in a list of Urls then the script starts visiting the Urls one after the other.

      All you have to do is add the Urls, the times you want to spend on each page and you're done.

      If you are interested I can sell you a copy of the script for only $9.99.

      This script helps me improve my Alexa ranking and get more exposure to many of the pages that don't receive any hits in my website.

      Looking forward to hearing more from you
      how do you put the links in??? example if you have 200 links do you have to enter them 1 by 1 or there is a window were you can copy paste the 200??? that is the problem i am having with the one i bought
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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    • Profile picture of the author mikegates
      Many URL rotator scripts, rotate links randomly because it's very easy to create one to do that. That will work fine for you if you get a lot or traffic to your site, since theoretically the more hits you get the better the chances of each page getting the same number of hits.

      If you are not getting a lot of traffic, a sequential link rotator will split the traffic evenly, giving you better split test results.

      When I had a need for a sequential link rotator and couldn't find one, I created my own :-)

      With my URL Rotator you send traffic to one URL, and it rotates the traffic to different URL's that you have defined in the admin panel.


      The Link Rotator Script is one of my favorite marketing tools! Link Rotator Usage Video

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      • Profile picture of the author mikecorso
        This URL Rotator still work? Any enhancements/changes since 2010?


        Mike Corso
        Cool Site of the Day
        Boost Your Website Visibility

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      • Profile picture of the author cadlemediagroup
        Hey Mike, I just ran across this post from 2010. Product still available? Do you offer an installation service too? Once it's on my Godaddy hosting account can I use it on multiple domains? Thanks for your help!

        After a ten-year hiatus, I am reentering the world of SEO & Internet Marketing.

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        • Profile picture of the author reddys
          i have few scripts can do Rotate urls, Rotate Text, random image links..etc.. Contact me for the codes
          For those who are searching for Direct mobile CPI offers please contact me at skype: madi.webz
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          • Profile picture of the author Cram
            cadlemediagroup, bevo has been around for ages and its free to use. I use it to split test LP and offers. and there is no limits.

            RadarEighty, i see your post is more then a year old but if others are looking for a solution to redirect based on IP. I like to use imobitrax IP filtering

            or you can use bevo for geo targeting

            Scripts i uses in the past.
            single ip redirect - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CPLS5hsp
            ip range redierect - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vJ1W7CZj

            reddys, I'd be interested on taking a look at your script..
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            • Profile picture of the author reddys
              Originally Posted by Cram View Post

              cadlemediagroup, bevo has been around for ages and its free to use. I use it to split test LP and offers. and there is no limits.

              RadarEighty, i see your post is more then a year old but if others are looking for a solution to redirect based on IP. I like to use imobitrax IP filtering

              or you can use bevo for geo targeting

              Scripts i uses in the past.
              single ip redirect - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CPLS5hsp
              ip range redierect - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vJ1W7CZj

              reddys, I'd be interested on taking a look at your script..
              Hi Cram
              may be he is Speaking about url rotate script. url need to change for every refresh
              For those who are searching for Direct mobile CPI offers please contact me at skype: madi.webz
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    • Profile picture of the author bjhfootball
      [quote=yukon;2270224]Maybe this will help (free).

      very good, thank you very much!
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      • Profile picture of the author Beavis
        I have a javascript function that rotates a random quote, but it's kinda the same thing. I threw this together out of my head. It's pretty simple and should work (hopefully).

        var maxsiteNo = 3
        var site= new Array()
        site[0] = 'landingpage1.html'
        site[1] = 'landingpage2.html'
        site[2] = 'landingpage3.html'
        window.location = site[Math.round(Math.random() * maxsiteNo)]);
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        • Profile picture of the author ASUService
          Do you need any type of tracking? I assume you want to know which page is converting.

          If that's the case give UltraTrack a try. Easy to install and configure. Once that's done just enter your url's in the list and place a small bit of code in the thank you/confirmation page and you're done. You can set up multiple campaigns!

          Check it out ... it's free but requires newsletter signup:
          Get The UltraTrack Advantage

          Best Regards,
          Mike Allton
          ASU Service, Inc.
          The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

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  • Profile picture of the author wsylvester
    Don't forget that if you have a flow or session, when doing split testing you should always try to tag the user in some fashion (cookie or url variable) to maintain a consistent approach. While straight round-robin does distribute traffic evenly it also creates an inconsistent user experience. Making sure when a user returns to the site they get whatever page they were originally displayed is the best way user experience. This also holds true for flows where you may have two different flows you are testing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    If your intention is to split test why not just use a split testing product?

    Google website Optimizer or a better paid product like VWO has way better benefits than just a rotator script.

    See this tutorial for good videos
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  • Profile picture of the author RadarEighty
    Bump and slight hijack of the thread, but anyone have or know of any URL rotators that can be setup based on IP? I would like to be able to direct traffic to a specific page based on where the IP is located.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingRoyal
    I would use Ad Rotator
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  • Profile picture of the author wondy
    What language do you want it in? I can write you one in Python/web.py. For PHP, ask one of the trillion or so programmers out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author odesk
    Mostly it is black hat method. It is called cloaking. And your website can be penalize with it.
    but I tell you I was using it for my site Free Insurance NC. But I got bad results
    You need to create two files like
    1) one.php
    2) two.php

    in one.php you need to add this code

    <?php echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=two.php\">"; ?>
    this code will redirect to two.php
    in two.php you need to add this code.

    $page1 = "URL #1"; $page2 = "URL #2"; $page3 = "URL#3"; $page4 = "URL #4";
    $referer =
    $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $mypages = array($page1,
    $page2, $page3, $page4); $myrandompage =
    $mypages[mt_rand(0, count($mypages) -1)]; if($referer ==
    "") { echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"
    content=\"0;url=$myrandompage\">"; } else { echo "<meta
    http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=one.php\">";} ?>

    Edit the "URL #1" and "URL #2" and "URL #3" and "URL #4" to
    the URL of your website.
    By this way you can easily make rotator and last link to one.php.

    simple Like my post.
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  • Profile picture of the author albehr
    Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

    I dont suppose any of you fine programmers can recommend a url rotator for split testing a squeeze page?

    If it's a wordpress site you can search for a plugin keywordsearch: rotate, split test etc etc

    Warm Regards,
    Al Borchers
    Colo Sprgs, CO

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  • Profile picture of the author itstofriendly
    Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

    I dont suppose any of you fine programmers can recommend a url rotator for split testing a squeeze page?


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