Looking for quote for a classifieds site

2 replies
I'm looking for a rough idea of what it would cost to build a classifieds site something like Kijiji. Without going into too many details, it would have sub-domains for different areas, paid listing options. I would also require a management system in the backend to monitor and pay moderators for each sub-domain area.

I was checking out PHPMyDirectory.com, which looks like a viable option, so if you have any experience with this or another platform that would be an asset.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

#classifieds #site
  • Profile picture of the author AlTheGr8

    I don't think PHPMyDirectory will give you an option to use sub-domains. I have used Listbingo extension for Joomla, which is a very powerful classifieds solution but I don't think it lets you use sub-domains either. Unless you deploy the script multiple times - once for each sub-domain.
    I am pretty sure it's possible to do with Drupal. I will think about it and give you a quote.
    What about the design - do you have design in mind for this or a pre-designed theme will be sufficient for this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Perry
      Originally Posted by AlTheGr8 View Post


      I don't think PHPMyDirectory will give you an option to use sub-domains. I have used Listbingo extension for Joomla, which is a very powerful classifieds solution but I don't think it lets you use sub-domains either. Unless you deploy the script multiple times - once for each sub-domain.
      I am pretty sure it's possible to do with Drupal. I will think about it and give you a quote.
      What about the design - do you have design in mind for this or a pre-designed theme will be sufficient for this?
      Hi there,

      Thanks for your reply. Using sub-domains is an important part of the site, so it is a must to be able to do it. I don't have a particular design in mind, so I suppose a theme would be fine as long as there is room for customization.

      Looking forward to your quote.

      Owner and Operator of 6StarMedia.com - A website design and marketing firm
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