19 replies
Which is better version to develop a new website for ecommerce.
#php or joomla #website
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4189898].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thebuddinggourmet
      php is best server side scripting language to create dynamic websites.
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  • Magento runs from zend framework, best for building any ecommerce site.
    Goldenspiralstudio, Best Magento Extension
    Free One-Click Cart Checkout v1.0.5
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    • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
      Originally Posted by goldenspiralstudios View Post

      Magento runs from zend framework, best for building any ecommerce site.
      For sure, if your going to do the coding yourself, have an understanding of OO programming Magento under Zend is the way to go for E-Commerce.
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      • Profile picture of the author henryc04
        PHP works great with html base on experience. If fact, PHP and HTML are interchangeable within the page. Second, it has interactive features. It allows you to interact with your visitors in ways HTML alone can't. Lastly, easy to learn because it is a lot easier to get started with than you might think. By learning just a few simple functions, you are able to do a lot of things with your website.
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        • Profile picture of the author Sumit thakur
          if you have experience working with PHP then go for it . if you are planning to learn PHP in order to create your website then its better to go with Joomla .
          and if you need any help then PM me .
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  • Profile picture of the author ngseosept
    I prefer to choose PHP than Joomla
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  • Profile picture of the author Earnie Boyd
    Oh, good grief! Joomla is a PHP framework CMS. You need to know PHP if you are programming extensions, modules and perhaps themes to enhance your Joomla experience. Other similar options are Drupal and Wordpress. If you're looking for a good free ecommerce site built with a CMS framework take a look at Ubercart, the Free Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Cart Solution / Software for Drupal, E Commerce which uses Drupal.
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    • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
      Originally Posted by Earnie Boyd View Post

      Oh, good grief! Joomla is a PHP framework CMS. You need to know PHP if you are programming extensions, modules and perhaps themes to enhance your Joomla experience. Other similar options are Drupal and Wordpress. If you're looking for a good free ecommerce site built with a CMS framework take a look at Ubercart, the Free Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Cart Solution / Software for Drupal, E Commerce which uses Drupal.
      THANK YOU!

      I was just amazed at most of the ridiculous answers in here... At least there's someone with a little common sense.
      Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author uthra
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    • Profile picture of the author gcampton
      Originally Posted by uthra View Post

      PHP programming even allows better personalized ecommerce web development by enabling the addition of the other function wealthy web frameworks available for use.
      as opposed to what?

      Originally Posted by indiawebdevelop View Post

      PHP and Joomla both are the best free open source language for web development. I use both for that. Joomla in PHP is better option.
      Joomla is not a language.

      Originally Posted by thebuddinggourmet View Post

      php is best server side scripting language to create dynamic websites.
      opinion not fact

      Originally Posted by Tom Albas View Post

      PHP is the good platform to develop new website
      php is language not a platform

      Originally Posted by y8y8 View Post

      Joomla is very slow, you should use csCart CMS for ecommerce
      oh shut up, please. All you Indians, Mexicans, spam bots, etc need to slow down, create/use your own Indian forum if you don't grasp the English language exactly.
      Because trying to "help people" by posting useless comments that don't make sense does more harm than good.

      (o.O) <<<----- This bunny is more ethical and mostly made of pixels.

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  • Profile picture of the author Blackberryparts
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7238573].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
      Originally Posted by Blackberryparts View Post

      Joomla wouldn't be my first choice for a CMS (it's overly complex,
      Funny, I have clients who are clueless about anything web-related other than a basic understanding of their browser and still they are capable of managing the websites I've made for them...

      Originally Posted by Blackberryparts View Post

      has been riddled with security issues prior to 1.6
      Any CMS has security issues if you just install it and do nothing more. There are several measures you can take to protect your site and none of the websites I've made so far have been hacked. Not mentioning the huge spam attack I've had yesterday on one of my websites... None of the messages went through. I've had to delete a few by hand - that had not been published - and thousands more went straight to the trash and the IPs got banned in a couple of clicks.

      Besides... 1.6???? That version was published... In January 2011 if memory serves me right. You seem to be a little late... Not mentioning that both 1.6 and 1.7 were STS (Short Term Service) versions and have mainly been used as test benches for the current LTS (2.5).

      Originally Posted by Blackberryparts View Post

      , has a counter-intuitive UI,
      I guess that's a matter of opinion, uh? I say once you get used to it, it's great.

      Originally Posted by Blackberryparts View Post

      and many of the extensions/plugins tend not to be free)
      That's simply, plainly false. Home - Joomla! Extensions Directory
      I make 99.9% of my work with free extensions. It's actually quite rare that I'd need a commercial one. As a matter of fact, in my latest e-book I show how to build a Joomla website with a ton of options like security, forum, community, PMs, contact form, etc, all with free extensions. But of course, I've taken the time to research, study and test them...

      Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author vrtechnologies
    I preferred joomla (Virtumart), Magento, Oscommerce
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  • Profile picture of the author weaveronline
    try Magento or Oscommerce or WP

    Thanks & Regards,
    Reach us at dukeduke600@gmail.com.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Kapo
    Try prestashop, magento, Shopping Cart Joomla, ecommerce or ubercart for drupal...
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    • Profile picture of the author ClicProject
      Everyone in this thread is clueless, it is like 10 year olds arguing about sex.

      Joomla is a cms, and has several shopping cart extensions available, the most popular of which is probably virtuemart. However, I would steer clear of Joomla for shopping carts unless you have only a few products or you are a Joomla fanboy, there are simply better tools for the job.

      Magento is complete overkill in the vast majority of cases. It uses huge amounts of resources and has quite a learning curve, I would only recommend this for large stores and experienced developers.

      Opencart is a good option if you are a relative novice at this, it is a nice, clean extensible script that has all the features you are likely to need. The templating system is great, you can get a really nice looking template from themeforest for about 50 bucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author henrywinsett
    PHP and Joomla are both open source and easily available on the web. According to me PHP is better than Joomla. Joomla is a CMS and if you want to add some additional features in Joomla based website the you need to customize it with the help of web programming language where as PHP is service side web programming language which is best for E-commerce website for creating and editing. You can easily build your e-commerce website and add necessary facilities and features. It provides various features to build and manage E-commerce Website. PHP E-commerce shopping cart is famous and helpful solution on the web, which allow a client to insert, edit or remove from the list.
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  • Profile picture of the author y8y8
    Joomla is very slow, you should use csCart CMS for ecommerce
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