Attn: All Web Designers & Programmers...

6 replies
I am literally in the process of setting up a new Social Networking application at my website:

- Pre-Launch Private Free Access : WebDesignHQ Social Network

It's a combination of Facebook, Twitter, & the Social Bookmarking sites out there.

I would really appreciate anyone checking it out, as I am still configuring/tweaking as we speak.

The site is not live yet, but I would love for anyone to beta-test it out for me.

- Jared

P.S. PM me if you want a Social Network Website like this!
#attn #designers #programmers #web
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Grossman
    Is this a social network for web designers, or is it a demo of social networking software you want to sell?
    Improvely: Built to track, test and optimize your marketing.

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    • Profile picture of the author InZane08
      (Been lurking for quite some time now... I think its time to step forward and get my name out there, So I registered and hopefully this will be fun and profitable ride =P )

      Hey man,
      The idea is awesome and the layout is cool,
      This defiantly has potential....
      Let me know if there is something i can help with...
      I'm good with Ideas, just not getting them into a product...
      I took Web design, along with other computer courses that were at my
      disposal, got more into the graphics and flash tho...

      Dan has a good point however, this could be something you could profit off... I wouldn't go as far as to say selling the software tho... Cause myspace, and facebook have already covered that domain I think... But you should look into increasing site visits and maybe affiliating your self with big brand name computer/internet companies, and getting P.P.C income...

      Let me know man,

      P.S. - PM if your interesting in hearing some ideas/ or want some help =P
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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by Dan Grossman View Post

      Is this a social network for web designers, or is it a demo of social networking software you want to sell?

      My goal is to provide a social network that specifically caters to web designers/developers/programmers, providing a specialized social network to the web industry for collaboration at WebDesignHQ Social Network

      The software I am using is an open source application:

      So the answer to your question is : No, i'm not trying to sell the social network software, as it is freely available to the public.

      I'm not saying I wouldn't help out installing/customizing this software if anyone is interested in having their own social network, just send me a PM.

      - Jared Alberghini


      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author rwil02
    Nice idea I guess. but I think you might be on the wrong track.
    Web designers don't sell to web designers.
    But they might hang out with web designers.
    Web designers sell to people like me, or to people with fewer skills.

    I can make a web site do anything, except be pretty

    A designer can make it pretty for me but even if he can make it jump through hoops, I can already do that.

    Roger Willcocks
    L-Space Design
    Please vote to help me win a 3kW solar array

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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by rwil02 View Post

      Nice idea I guess. but I think you might be on the wrong track.
      Web designers don't sell to web designers.
      But they might hang out with web designers.
      Web designers sell to people like me, or to people with fewer skills.

      I can make a web site do anything, except be pretty

      A designer can make it pretty for me but even if he can make it jump through hoops, I can already do that.
      "But they might hang out with web designers."

      That's exactly the point of WebDesignHQ Social Network

      It's a place for web designers to hang out with each other, share knowledge, share contracts... if you have a client that wants something you can't do, you can find someone who knows how to do it!


      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[55319].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rwil02
        Makes more sense then. To me it primarily looked like a way to showcase templates and other work, and that didn't really fit with "hang out with other designers" in my head.

        Roger Willcocks
        L-Space Design
        Please vote to help me win a 3kW solar array

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