WP Multi-site or not?

4 replies
So I'm involved in a project where we're building a site and its members each would have profiles (very light social networking). We're considering making their profiles as blogs and considering using WP Multi-Site to maybe tie them to a subdomain or something for SEO purposes. Would there really be a gain by using WP Multi-Site? Would the extra overhead even be worth it? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
#multisite #seo #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author webpeon
    clarify somethine for me..

    So you are building 1 site with multiple users each having their own profile


    More than 1 site, each user having their own domain/site which then links into a common domain/site
    Web 2 Mobile
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    • Profile picture of the author ahillyer
      Originally Posted by webpeon View Post

      clarify somethine for me..

      So you are building 1 site with multiple users each having their own profile


      More than 1 site, each user having their own domain/site which then links into a common domain/site
      1 site with multiple users each having their own profile. I know that Google's algorithms have changed and they don't seem to care as much anymore so I'm thinking that using subfolders (via pretty names) would be just as valuable nowadays as subdomains and, thus, the multisite, wouldn't be worth the hassle and overhead but seeking validation....thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author ALicenseToCode
    If you're running that on a basic $10/month basic hosting platform it could have serious performance problems if you get a lot of people using it, but it's something that you could set up and automate if you have the right expertise to do it.

    Blogging isn't very complicated from a development standpoint, it might be easier to just develop a simple blogging platform based on your profile system, you just need a database table that just stores posts and relates them to the user_id's you have. That would be my recommended course of action.
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    • Profile picture of the author ahillyer
      Originally Posted by ALicenseToCode View Post

      If you're running that on a basic $10/month basic hosting platform it could have serious performance problems if you get a lot of people using it, but it's something that you could set up and automate if you have the right expertise to do it.

      Blogging isn't very complicated from a development standpoint, it might be easier to just develop a simple blogging platform based on your profile system, you just need a database table that just stores posts and relates them to the user_id's you have. That would be my recommended course of action.
      Thanks....no, we'll have a dedicated server, probably our own CDN, high end network adapter(s), load balancer, web accelerators, etc. As I said, from a hardware perspective, we'll "bring it" but (if optimized properly) can WordPress "bring it"? Are there any examples of high end sites running Wordpress?
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