Php code to redirect using radio button
Add a Form that will allow redirection to specific URLS based upon form field content.
We will use this to direct users to the correct furnace based on content in form fields submitted.
Create one form with these questions -
What is the Total Square footage of the building(s)? ____
How well insulated is the space to heat? _ Very Well _ Somewhat __ Poorly
In what State? _
After they submit the form
IF State is IN or MA or MD or ME or NH or NY or PA or RI or VT or WA
THEN send user to GX page
IF TSQ is less than 3,500 and not poorly insulated
THEN send to GX page
IF TSQ is greater than 4000
THEN send to HE2 page
IF TSQ is less than 4000 and poorly insulated
THEN send to HE2 page
IF TSQ is less than 4000
THEN send to HE11 page
Please help me to create this. I am using wordpress.
prince55l -
[ 1 ] Thanks
SignatureFlashlight | .htaccess redirect | Css button Generator| percent off calculator| lite 1.4| Mass converter|web hosting |groupon codes| Google pagerank checker|Words | Name meaning| coolmath4kids| Multiples{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8092570].message }} -
Brandon Tanner -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 2 replies
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edward2011 -
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edward2011 -
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Valdor Kiebach -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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