Custom Mail Blast App?

5 replies
I have a client who really does not care about "brand building" etc. They have had tremendous success literally spamming people and would like to "scale up" while not using services like MailChimp -etc.

I have some knowledge or Rails (after about 500 hours spent trying to learn), and was curious to know if a full fledged application could be built to run on a server, load in e-mail addresses, then blast them out.

Client has been "banned" from a few ISP's, and MailChimp, and wants to know if it is even worth it to build an app from scratch to host overseas so as to blast out mailers.

Thanks in advance for any additional direction you may be able to offer.
#app #blast #custom #mail
  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    There are many easy ways to do this. But for the purpose of sending spam, I elect to keep my mouth shut and not divulge how to do this.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
      Originally Posted by Brandon Tanner View Post

      Originally Posted by Patrick View Post

      LOL Brandon
      Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

      There are many easy ways to do this. But for the purpose of sending spam, I elect to keep my mouth shut and not divulge how to do this.
      Thanks guys! These replies were extraordinarily helpful!
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      • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
        Found answer.

        Each mail service provider has their own spam algorithm. Determining (most) of the elements of these algorithms can be done through automated testing + various other more "sophisticated measures."

        Once that info is gathered, configure your mail app to sort outbound mail and filter it in accordance with where the mail is going to. Example; If Yahoo! hates the word "toys" and Google doesn't care. The word "toys" should be replaced with "objects of entertainment" etc.

        Time to build...
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