What's the best free php classified script?

14 replies
I want to build a classified site using a free php script. Could you recommend which one is the best?
#classified #free #php #script
  • Profile picture of the author georgejr
    For me the best was Classipress
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    • Profile picture of the author arojilla
      I wrote my own some time ago because it was the only way get the features I wanted. But the code is a mess because I was less experienced and I plan to rewrite it this fall using a PHP framework to save time. Then I'll release the code just in case someone can use it (but it will be very targeted to my own specific needs so I doubt this will be the case). If you know PHP, pick an easy framework (CodeIgniter for example) and try to build your own. The one I made from scratch took me nearly three months and it was exactly wan I wanted it to be. Had I used a framewwork it would have take me a month or less!

      Now, if you don't have the skills or the time to get them, I'd recommend you to try one of these:

      Osclass, the free classifieds script

      DClassifieds Free Classifieds Script

      I think ClassiPress is not free.


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  • Profile picture of the author EzeadMedia

    As Arjillo stated - these are both good scripts - but have you thought this thru - there are thousands of free sites out there and it is a tough marketplace to get into without a huge advertising budget - and if your looking for a free script that is not the way to go.

    Osclass, the free classifieds script

    DClassifieds Free Classifieds Script

    You will spend a lot of time and energy and unless you have something really special - to put it bluntly your wasting your time.

    What is your reason for wanting you own site??

    Please explain and perhaps I can offer you a free solution to what your trying to do.

    I seriously have thousands upon thousands of hours into building a site that we are about to launch and if I had it to do all over I would go in another direction.
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    • Profile picture of the author arojilla
      Originally Posted by EzeadMedia View Post

      As Arjillo stated - these are both good scripts - but have you thought this thru - there are thousands of free sites out there and it is a tough marketplace to get into without a huge advertising budget - and if your looking for a free script that is not the way to go.
      That's another story, but you are absolutely right! Unless you can find a lucrative local niche with almost no competition (does this even exist?), I don't think there is space for yet another classifieds site. Well, maybe if you came with a clever idea that no other thought about... but if you are looking for a generic free script... Give it a thought or your could end up spending a lot of time for nothing!


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  • Profile picture of the author stephaniejones371
    Arojilla: definitely agree with the niche segment you mentioned. That's the biggest problem for all: make it different from other sites around.
    BTW, i vote for Osclass
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  • Profile picture of the author mzmaker05
    Here is an addition to the answer:
    Here is a good list of directories that will save everyone time:
    Classifieds - Clone PHP Script
    Classifieds Clone PHP Script | Clone PHP Scripts
    Craigslist Clone Script
    Craigslist - Clone Scripts
    Best PHP Scripts | PHP Classifieds Scripts
    *I would suggest PHP over ASP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Rodgers
    Here is my UK based classified ads website script: http://clikinn.co.uk/ feel free to give your suggestions and feedback thanks.

    Find and post Free Classified Ads in UK. Free online advertising, Buy and Sell Cars, property and your desirable pets in just one click distance. Visit at clickinn.co.uk and get solution.

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  • Profile picture of the author kaufenpreis
    OpenClassifieds – Open Classifieds is a free full functional and highly flexible classifieds software script. This classified ads script is developed in PHP. You can download this script direct from the source free of cost.
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  • my point of you is Jom Classifieds because they build a classifieds website with affordable price. And they have an own Joomla Classifieds Templates with Classifieds Scripts

    Joomla Classifieds Templates
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  • Profile picture of the author Angela Leonard
    Osclass is free php classified scriptand Noah's Classifieds. Noah's Classifieds is one of the most popular free php classified script.
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  • Profile picture of the author alberto7
    Best Free PHP Classified Scripts To Run A Classified Website
    1. Osclass
    2. Noah's Classifieds
    3. Almond Classifieds
    4. DClassifieds
    5. Silurus
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  • Profile picture of the author roboscripts
    I have used Osclass in the past...
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  • Profile picture of the author Naijafinder
    I will recommend Jom classifed and Laraclassified script
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