Laravel vs Ruby on Rails (PHP vs Ruby)

7 replies

I want to which is a better language to learn for a beginner? I know HTML/CSS, some basic PHP (I work mostly with WordPress). But I want to if it's better to dive deeper into PHP and learn Laravel or start learning Ruby and RoR.

#laravel #php #rails #ruby
  • Profile picture of the author bawany
    Ruby and ROR got much demand in the market these days, but i would suggest before going for other languages, have a good grasp on what you have basic knowledge in first.
    World Web is switching to Smartphones, IS YOUR WEBSITE RESPONSIVE AND READY FOR IT?

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrykos
    Thanks for the response bawany.

    COnsidering I already have a head start on PHP, and Laravel seems to be continually growing... I've decided to stick with PHP.
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    • Profile picture of the author bawany
      Wish you best success ahead, you can add me on skype, maybe i can get you some freelance jobs in future when you get good grasp on the languages.

      World Web is switching to Smartphones, IS YOUR WEBSITE RESPONSIVE AND READY FOR IT?

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      • Profile picture of the author jamesrykos
        Originally Posted by bawany View Post

        Wish you best success ahead, you can add me on skype, maybe i can get you some freelance jobs in future when you get good grasp on the languages.

        I appreciate the offer Adam, but I'm trying to move away from freelancing and working towards building a product that could possible generate some income for me.

        I'm currently doing some freelance work and I don't enjoy it at all. Clients are a headache to deal with...want too many things for so little price and continually changing their minds.
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    I've heard good things about Laravel. Ruby is a fantastic language, and RoR is a great framework in the right hands. There is no reason why you can't learn both, and then expand into other areas (maybe functional programming via Erlang).

    Don't neglect JavaScript, either. As much as I love Ruby and the backend, JS is everywhere and you'll have a hard time as a web developer if you don't know it. Try CoffeeScript and SASS/LESS.

    Also, though you say you have a head start on PHP, there is nothing wrong with abandoning ship and trying out Ruby or Python. No language is perfect, and you can't appreciate the flaws, quirks, and benefits of a language without having intimate knowledge of other languages to compare it to.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesrykos
      Originally Posted by Damien Roche View Post

      I've heard good things about Laravel. Ruby is a fantastic language, and RoR is a great framework in the right hands. There is no reason why you can't learn both, and then expand into other areas (maybe functional programming via Erlang).

      Don't neglect JavaScript, either. As much as I love Ruby and the backend, JS is everywhere and you'll have a hard time as a web developer if you don't know it. Try CoffeeScript and SASS/LESS.

      Also, though you say you have a head start on PHP, there is nothing wrong with abandoning ship and trying out Ruby or Python. No language is perfect, and you can't appreciate the flaws, quirks, and benefits of a language without having intimate knowledge of other languages to compare it to.
      Thanks Damien! I plan on diving into JavaScript once I have a good understanding of PHP.

      I never heard of CoffeeScript, but I'm familiar with SASS/LESS.

      Thanks for the advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author azad14
    I also want to learn Ruby and RoR. This post also help me. thanks to James
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