Are all TAE Scripts downline builders broken? Apparently, yes. Fix inside.
I joined the warrior forum just to make this post! I figure it will get the most attention here, I hope.
It seems, there are two main problems with the builder.php file in most free/pro/jv and superjv tae scripts, a mod_security issue related to passing the http://, and another one... an apparently purposefully BROKEN sql statement, that makes sure the downline referrer URL is ALWAYS the admin.
Well, I fixed both issues... and since I have giveaway rights to my copy of the script, here is the corrected file, completely non encrypted in open php. If you have a tae, PLEASE check this... if the FTC finds out... ITS FRAUD!

Joshua, aka Balrogbob
CEO Richards Consulting
EDIT: Idoit proffed the script, people tend not to read instructions, so I sanitized the string to auto strip the http
Further edit: code cleaned up, javascript removed. Pure php now, much more secure, and it will run with mod_security enabled. I have a siteprofile.php patched for mod security as well, If anyone needs it. just PM me.