question about back linking

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hi guys ,

i do hope everybody is having a great week so far . i have a question for you guys . im going to buy a domain name for redirecting my affiliate link . now i have been told that pinging that url will not get any web traffic . now my question is this . will getting a lot of back links to my domain name get me a lot of search engine traffic or not ?

thanks in advance
#back #linking #question
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9629434].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author donald236
      Originally Posted by sirtiman View Post

      Check your competitors and do better than them.
      i'm sorry but i'm kinda new to the back linking . could you please explain what you mean .
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by donald236 View Post

    hi guys ,

    i do hope everybody is having a great week so far . i have a question for you guys . im going to buy a domain name for redirecting my affiliate link . now i have been told that pinging that url will not get any web traffic . now my question is this . will getting a lot of back links to my domain name get me a lot of search engine traffic or not ?

    thanks in advance
    The absolute answer to your question is YES. However... Unless you know what you are doing, going out to get backlinks just anywhere will only hurt you more than help you.

    do some research specifically on the "Penguin" series of Google Updates. exactly what they were / are filtering and how NOT to get snagged in that net.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author goodfuture
    Originally Posted by donald236 View Post

    will getting a lot of back links to my domain name get me a lot of search engine traffic or not ?

    To be more specific, building a lot of backlinks will not bring any traffic to your site.

    Building quality backlinks will get your traffic.

    Unfortunately, a quality backlink is hard to define, yet even harder to get. Even if you get a quality backlink today, it might not be considered a quality backlink after a year (let's assume) by Google.

    This is the reason, that I personally focus on two main things:

    - Content
    - & quality content

    I hope it will help.
    Make $250+ Per Day With Only One Stupid Page: CPA Profit Academy
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  • Profile picture of the author dewalds86
    We have 302 quality back links to our site all dofollow and it most definitely made a huge impact on our rankings. Some of our keywords jumped by 20 positions. Our alexa ranking is now 2 900 000 and we are over taking web sites with 300 000 or less alexa rankings.
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  • Profile picture of the author donald236
    so if i'm correct , getting quality back links to my domain / site will in no doubt get me traffic .
    am i correct ?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      it depends on where the links are . Are they on pages that are relevant to the content on your page?

      Yes links give you an "advantage" in how you are listed on Google. BUT that is really NOT why you aquire backlinks. a solid foundation for traffic is to place your links in places that people that would have an interest in your site will be.

      I am of the thinking "dofollow" or not. If your link is placed where people that share the same interest will be, then that is a good place to put it.

      I personally have a forum where the topic is wordpress and woocommerce. I have countless hundreds if not thousands of nofollow backlinks that produce enormous amounts of traffic.

      linking in relevant locations is simply a good tactic to getting traffic. I might add it helps not just to spam your link, but to actually interact and develop authority on the subject. That is how those links become actual traffic.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by donald236 View Post

    will getting a lot of back links to my domain name get me a lot of search engine traffic or not ?
    Not if you're using it to redirect to an affiliate-link.

    But the true answer is "it doesn't matter", because search engine traffic isn't the kind of traffic you should want or need, for that purpose, anyway, Donald. Post #13 of this thread may help you!

    Backlinks are not really to domain-names. They're to pages. The web, in that sense, is "page-based", not site-based and not domain-based. A backlink to "just the domain-name" is really a backlink to the home page of the website to which that domain-name is attached.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      But the true answer is "it doesn't matter", because search engine traffic isn't the kind of traffic you should want or need, for that purpose, anyway, Donald. Post #13 of this thread may help you!
      Donald thats just one person's opinion and depending on the niche the argument is far from persuasive as a universal. Since you haven't stated what your niche is no one can make accurate blanket statements of what SEo will do for you

      We have a SEO forum filled with people who SEO works and has worked for and there are sites that have ranked for years. SEO is more precarious for those who link spam but has been stable for tens of thousands who haven't

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris_Custer
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Backlinks are not really to domain-names. They're to pages. The web, in that sense, is "page-based", not site-based and not domain-based. A backlink to "just the domain-name" is really a backlink to the home page of the website to which that domain-name is attached.

      This is probably the best and most concise explanation of backlinking you could get. Understand what Alexa is saying and the whole backlinking thing starts to fall into place.

      My question is, if all you're doing is redirecting to an affiliate page, why are you looking into backlinking when there are so many other traffic strategies with a better chance of success for the same amount of work? I'd focus on Youtube, Fanpages, maybe articles depending on the directory, etc.

      The absolute first thing I'd do, though, is test your money page's conversion with some paid traffic before putting a lot of work into it. Send that traffic to a squeeze, build a small list and then test your affiliate offers with your list.

      Bottom line is backlinking is the LAST thing I'd be looking at. Just my 2 cents.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Chris_Custer View Post

        Bottom line is backlinking is the LAST thing I'd be looking at. Just my 2 cents.
        I don't get it. how can that be the LAST thing you would do, if its more than likely the FIRST thing you do?

        Share content on Social Media? MULIPLE BACKLINKS

        Use Article Marketing? BACKLINKED

        Share the link in a comment on someone else blog? BACKLINKED

        Linking BACK to your content is the ONLY method to getting traffic to your content and ultimately your offer. It really does not matter what form the link may take, the function remains the same.

        Spam linking is stupid, I wont argue that. BUT, calculated context related linking regardless of source is very SMART.

        Backlinking is far more than the conceptual SEO geek linking on some .gov site. It is simply the staple method of each and every marketer!
        Success is an ACT not an idea
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9632889].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author donald236
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          I don't get it. how can that be the LAST thing you would do, if its more than likely the FIRST thing you do?

          Share content on Social Media? MULIPLE BACKLINKS

          Use Article Marketing? BACKLINKED

          Share the link in a comment on someone else blog? BACKLINKED

          Linking BACK to your content is the ONLY method to getting traffic to your content and ultimately your offer. It really does not matter what form the link may take, the function remains the same.

          Spam linking is stupid, I wont argue that. BUT, calculated context related linking regardless of source is very SMART.

          Backlinking is far more than the conceptual SEO geek linking on some .gov site. It is simply the staple method of each and every marketer!
          thank you this is exactly what i was thinking as well !
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  • Profile picture of the author elcidofaguy
    If you are going to buy a brand new domain and redirect it to your money site then for sure this will do NOTHING! The reason being that your new site has no authority, no history and thus no link juice is passed.... Seriously do not waste your time on that... BTW all new domains are also in the Google sandbox and it takes time to get out of that...

    A better approach would be to buy an old domain (related niche if possible), re-establish some content on it and on the main page create your backlink... One is enough as you want to keep it under the radar... When you buy old domains you need to check its authority, PR, backlinking profile etc... From my experience you can get some good ones for around $50... So its worth the investment vs. advertising costs etc....

    I hope that helps! Good luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author IMLab
    Originally Posted by donald236 View Post

    hi guys ,

    i do hope everybody is having a great week so far . i have a question for you guys . im going to buy a domain name for redirecting my affiliate link . now i have been told that pinging that url will not get any web traffic . now my question is this . will getting a lot of back links to my domain name get me a lot of search engine traffic or not ?

    thanks in advance
    If you are building an affiliate website, it is better to create decent reviews with videos before directing your traffic to them.

    Speaking of SEO, if you are new to link building and SEO in general, check up the free guides below that teaches you all the basics of on-page optimization and link building.
    There are many websites around the web that teaches proper SEO techniques. In short though, note the following:
    1. Focus on your high quality content.
    2. Design a decent looking and elegant website.
    3. Aim at high quality and relevant links only when building backlinks.
    4. Try your best to stay away from black hat tactics as they are risky and might place your website under tough penalties from search engines.
    5. Social Media Marketing is as important as link building and search engines. Market your content on social media networks as it helps a lot no matter what your niche is.
    6. Pick only the good and legitimate offers, don't risk your name promoting a product you are not sure of.

    Hope that helps!
    Our SEO Website:
    Complete Link Building Guide For 2016: Click Here
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    • Profile picture of the author donald236
      Originally Posted by IMLab View Post

      If you are building an affiliate website, it is better to create decent reviews with videos before directing your traffic to them.

      Speaking of SEO, if you are new to link building and SEO in general, check up the free guides below that teaches you all the basics of on-page optimization and link building.
      There are many websites around the web that teaches proper SEO techniques. In short though, note the following:
      1. Focus on your high quality content.
      2. Design a decent looking and elegant website.
      3. Aim at high quality and relevant links only when building backlinks.
      4. Try your best to stay away from black hat tactics as they are risky and might place your website under tough penalties from search engines.
      5. Social Media Marketing is as important as link building and search engines. Market your content on social media networks as it helps a lot no matter what your niche is.
      6. Pick only the good and legitimate offers, don't risk your name promoting a product you are not sure of.

      Hope that helps!
      thanks for your answer , however i'm not building anything , except for back links to my trafficwave affiliate web page .
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    It seems like you are looking for a quick solution to traffic generation for your affiliate link, rather than taking time to find interested buyers, get them signed up to your email list and presell those people on the idea of buying your affiliate product. And, really there is no way around these steps in the process, no quick fixes.
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  • Profile picture of the author kyrptl
    Hi all, As per my view, You have to buy domain with more back-link. Make sure to buy expired or deleted domain for lots of traffic. We are following the same method for my website .
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeAndrews3
    Don't just rely on backlinks even if thay are of high quality.

    It used to be sound advice to concentrate on Backlinks without bothering too much about the quality of content on your site, whereas now it would appear that Google is placing more emphasis on on-page factors like how fast your site loads, its html structure and how unique the content is.
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