Is social media is the best SEO method?

by Himu14
79 replies
  • SEO
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I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla
#media #method #seo #social
  • Profile picture of the author markeeter
    I don't think any social media is best for SEO except Google+. Social media is good for attracting traffic to your website, but Google doesn't consider it much. Perhaps other experts can tell you here differently, this is what I have learned over the years.

    you need quality back-links, keyword optimized pages, and other white hat SEO for getting a good ranking in Google. Especially if we're talking about long term.

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  • Profile picture of the author promo87
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google.
    Well, you can say it's an imaginary part of SEO as social media things are all about SMO optimisation they are like two different direction in Search Engine Optimisation we optimizes the website for getting more visibility over the SERPs while with the help of Social Media Optimisation what you do is you build brand reputation i.e you try to make yourself familiar with with the users round the Globe ! Its more like saying "Hey this is ... from .... would you like to ..... "
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  • Profile picture of the author satvikpatel
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google.
    I want to say that Social media and SEO both are different techniques. Social media will not help you to rank on search engines. It is a good source of relevant traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author roysrooter
    SEO and SMO both are two different terms.but they help for get traffic on webpages. SEO has many techniques for get ranked easily. On the other side SMO also very effective for get huge traffic with best social media sites like Facebook,Twitter,Google+ etc,

    Link Dropping is a forum sin.

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  • Profile picture of the author jackluter
    No social media helps to generate traffic but if you follow google web masters guidelines then come to know what the seo mean for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kherk Roldan
    Bro, I tell you. social media /web 2.0 are really great to gain more traffic to your money site.
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  • Profile picture of the author tasolglobal
    Its not the best but you can say one of the best SEO method because now Google officially declared that they are considering social signals which evaluating keyword rankings.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO-Dave
    No, social network activity appears to have no direct SEO value. Remember Facebook etc... are just websites.

    Still has value like any website that can send traffic your way.

    Take Warrior Forum, posting links here has no direct SEO value (they are nofollow links), but someone might visit your site from a link here and decide to add a dofollow link from their blog or business site... The dofollow link will pass direct SEO benefit, so posting on Warrior Forum could indirectly impact SEO.

    Facebook is the same, Google doesn't have access to all of Facebook, the parts it does have access to links out using nofollow and Google doesn't know how many likes/shares your site has... So Facebook is just like Warrior Forum, no direct SEO value.

    Google+ could be different, although on the face of things Google+ is exactly the same as Facebook (nofollow links), Google owns Google+ so could use Google+ shares etc... as a ranking factor because they have access to the data and it's unlikely Google will block Google from the data :-)

    Note this is a could, there's no evidence they do use Google+ shares, but unlike Facebook likes/shares they could use Google+ data.

    I find my time is better spent on direct SEO methods, building content and backlinks.

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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    Social Media is not a SEO technique, both are different. But social media is a very good technique in order to get huge traffic and popularity. There are many SEO techniques like Forum, Content marketing - blogging, guest posts, Q.&A. etc.

    Enjoy Life.

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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    Some people will say that getting links from a social network site won't have any real SEO value for you. But, there's no actual proof that these links are worthless.

    Even Google won't say how much relevance they place on social network links and no follow links.

    The only truth that remains is that even if you can't get a do follow link from a site, you should opt for the link that is on the most prestigious and authoritative site possible.

    And, a social networking site such as Twitter would qualify.

    This should just be ONE of the many types of authoritative/high page rank sites that you use when backlinking.
    Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Originally Posted by seoboyz01 View Post

      Some people will say that getting links from a social network site won't have any real SEO value for you. But, there's no actual proof that these links are worthless.
      Well, I have no direct proof that the bonfire is hot and will burn me if I stick my hand
      in. How could I possibly know without sticking my hand in and getting burned?

      It's called logic, reasoning, and knowledge. I do not need to stick my hand in a fire
      to know that it dang sure will burn me.

      Since shtuff like FB, pinterest, youtube, twitter, reddit, younameit, are all nofollow,
      or worse, not seen because they are behind a script or password, I know
      with 100% certainty that they do not help for SEO. What more proof do you

      I know.

      No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
        SEO works based on words. The more words you can get spidered by a search engine the better results you will have. This is why long blog articles work so well combined with blog promotion to get backlinks. When you do all of this in combo search engine rankings will follow.
        Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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        • Profile picture of the author SEO-Dave
          Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

          SEO works based on words. The more words you can get spidered by a search engine the better results you will have. This is why long blog articles work so well combined with blog promotion to get backlinks. When you do all of this in combo search engine rankings will follow.
          That was a tad simplistic!

          Now where's that copy of War and Peace, imagine the SERPs I'll get :-)

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          • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
            Originally Posted by SEO-Dave View Post

            That was a tad simplistic!

            Now where's that copy of War and Peace, imagine the SERPs I'll get :-)

            At least that is how it has worked for me over the years
            Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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      • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
        Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

        Well, I have no direct proof that the bonfire is hot and will burn me if I stick my hand
        in. How could I possibly know without sticking my hand in and getting burned?

        It's called logic, reasoning, and knowledge. I do not need to stick my hand in a fire
        to know that it dang sure will burn me.

        Since shtuff like FB, pinterest, youtube, twitter, reddit, younameit, are all nofollow,
        or worse, not seen because they are behind a script or password, I know
        with 100% certainty that they do not help for SEO. What more proof do you

        I know.

        No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes.

        A nofollow link is not more powerful than a dofollow that does not mean someone should skip sharing their webpages on the sites you have mentioned above.

        Google has all records of links of both dofollow and no follow. It is known that posting links to social sites are easy therefor Google don't take it too seriously as backlink but it enhance the link popularity of the site. And within the 200 algorithms that Google uses has the place for social shares where a share indicates that a page is well accepted by people and valuable.

        Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          Originally Posted by seoboyz01 View Post

          A nofollow link is not more powerful than a dofollow that does not mean someone should skip sharing their webpages on the sites you have mentioned above.

          Google has all records of links of both dofollow and no follow. It is known that posting links to social sites are easy therefor Google don't take it too seriously as backlink but it enhance the link popularity of the site. And within the 200 algorithms that Google uses has the place for social shares where a share indicates that a page is well accepted by people and valuable.

          Tell me you're kidding...because if you are serious, man, that just keeps on
          explaining why people fail.

          You people keep mixing up social shares with google serps. You keep mixing
          up traffic with seo. You can't get it through your thick skulls that virtually all
          of FB and other such rot is invisible to best nofollow. And the
          lot of you seem to have no handle on what nofollow is.

          No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes.


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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          • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
            Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

            Tell me you're kidding...because if you are serious, man, that just keeps on
            explaining why people fail.

            You people keep mixing up social shares with google serps. You keep mixing
            up traffic with seo. You can't get it through your thick skulls that virtually all
            of FB and other such rot is invisible to best nofollow. And the
            lot of you seem to have no handle on what nofollow is.

            No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes.

            SMO and SEO is totally a different thing. Yes, I know that. Getting traffic from Social media populairty and Ranking a site on Google search(Organic traffic) is very different.

            But to get a success online a webmaster should do both SEO and Social media marketing so that he will get maximum traffic.

            If we talk about links then the shares on social media sites are not actual backlinks in the eye of Google. But Google crawls every social pages like other webpages and links also. This does not mean you can rank a site with just social links. It is hard to say that the social presence has no contribute in a website ranking on search engine.

            Different people have different opinion. The success online is always customized. No fixed way. So it's all about personal experiment.

            Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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            • Profile picture of the author paulgl
              Originally Posted by seoboyz01 View Post

              But Google crawls every social pages like other webpages and links also.

              Sorry, you just prove you have no clue as to SEO....

              Newsflash: Google doesn't, won't, can't, want, to crawl every social page.

              FB, for example, makes quite a bit "uncrawlable."


              If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by seoboyz01 View Post

      Even Google won't say how much relevance they place on social network links and no follow links.
      Actually, yes they do. They have been quite clear about both topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Xelaetaks
    John Mueller said today in Google hangouts they don't use social as a ranking factor. An example why ia something being talked about a lot doesn't mean it's positive so Google can't exactly judge what all the social signals are about.
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  • Profile picture of the author mlmworld
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    • Profile picture of the author swiftini
      The truth is nobody here can tell you what the exact formula for SEO is that works. There are too many factors in play . It depends on what you are trying to rank for, how much competition there is etc...

      I've been working as an SEO consultant for some fairly significant online firms fro about 4-5 years now and as anyone in the business can tell you there have been a lot of changes over the past few years.

      A good friend of mine runs an SEO/SEM firm and these days he relies almost entirely on content generation and social media to obtain and maintain rankings for some large clients.

      Social signals have direct results on search engine rankings in 2014 - particularly Google +1s. I have correlated campaigns consisting of nothing but content generation and social signals. I don't care what anybody at Google or anywhere else says about that - there is a definite relationship. Nevetheless, I still feel that effective link building from non social sources is paramount to ranking well - especially in competitive niches and markets.

      The bottom line is that the closest thing to a formula you are going to get is this:


      The real question you should be asking yourself is what do you really care about, rankings or traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ramis
    Good day to all colleagues. I'll say this: to be snapped seo need to use all the methods and algorithms of promotion. But, again, depending on what you want to promote. If it is a site that is only white methods of promotion, if it sells page or spa earnings that can be applied to black promotion methods including spamm and creation sites pads or the creation of a new phenomenon landing pages, or in other words capture pages and follow their progress in a general way many looking for something to apply.
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  • Profile picture of the author zahid34
    I think you need to submit article and also bookmarking many forum and blog site.Those article and blog will helps to generate traffic,reduce Alexa Rank,up Google page rank but carefully submit your link try to submit high pr(page rank site)sites.

    I hope u can do it.......
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla
    Email is the best social if you're social

    And I am not joking really. I use everything , but nothing beats building your own email list
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  • Profile picture of the author Brown2
    Social media and SEO are both different techniques. SEO can help in increasing your website visibility and hence also help in getting better ranking on search engine. Whereas social media marketing means promoting or creating awareness about your product or service among other through social media channels.
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  • Profile picture of the author amazonspecialcode
    SEO or SMO both are different terms.You can promote you sites or webpages with social netwoking sites like Facebook ,Twitter,Google+ etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dokemion
    SEO+SMO = Sales! Better ROI!

    Contact me for any SEO Services you need I'm glad to be of your service.

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  • Profile picture of the author Webkingseo
    In my view social media is good for relevant traffic.It helps in SEO but its not the most important thing . But surely its good to use social media .
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  • Profile picture of the author ProJaguars
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla
    Social Media and SEO both of the are very different to each other and SMM is Not a SEO technique. Social appeals directly to people and the audience. Search engine optimization appeals to a robot, As you know social media posts and twit's appear's instantly and you can get result with in some minute's or hour's while Seo can be slow and uncertain it may take's month's and some time year's to build up enough credibility.
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  • Profile picture of the author leilapearse
    I won't say social media is the best SEO method, it's one of the best SEO methods instead. There's no such a thing as "BEST SEO METHOD". There are several ways and techniques to make your SEO campaign more effective, don't just focus on just one strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author katty5005
    Nowadays people are connected to each other through social media. Most of they spend more time in social media so yes social media can be consider as a best way to gain more traffic. But as you said the traffic is temporarily but now it depends on your site how much traffic can it make permanent. If your site is good enough than for sure you will get more traffic that willn't be temporary.
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  • Profile picture of the author GreenInkWriter
    SEO (search engine optimization) and SMO (social media optimization) both are different. If you want to get ranked over search engine then both techniques are good. In search engine optimization, we use various on page and off page technique, but in SMO we use different social networking sites as Facebook, twitter, google+ etc.
    SEO and SMO are a part of internet marketing.
    SMO is the best way to redirect traffic to your website and also helps you to get ranked over search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author arindamb
    Social media marketing means growing your social presence. Get a fan page on Facebook, share images on pinterest, tweet new posts...etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahmansoor
    Social media is not the best SEO method - though it may help SEO in variety of way such as to reach people who can link to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrTesla
    Yes, it's true - social media marketing greatly affects on search engine promotion. I know it from my personal experience that shares on facebook, twitter, google plus - gives a great results. Google plus is especially effective for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author xembergg
    Social media works well when it comes to increasing the traffic to your website. I don't really think that the social media websites are good for backlinks unless you consider taking expensive banner ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author adny9312
    Social websites optimization or maybe SMO can be using your current societal ability in your social networking platforms. SMO seems like the expensive phrase but I will assurance that you've the actual societal ability needed to develop your website traffic and social networking network. No matter whether you're a business person, copy writer, or maybe small company owner, SMO can assist you bring traffic in your blog site and bring understanding to what you're doing and have much more customers, sell books, or maybe develop your current electronic mail checklist.

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  • Profile picture of the author Carl Hardy
    i think social media is the best way for increasing the traffic and likes for your post,,,
    Defence Industries - procurement platform for key decision makers to expand business opportunities globally.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEWARRIOR
    Social media is yet to best seo method, infact not top3. Social media is best for direct traffic generation.

    some of best seo method white hat is guest post, press release, web 2.0 blog(grey)
    some of best black hat method is PBN blog post
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Willy
    I really don't think social media is connected with SEO. It is a different approach because it focuses more in engaging with targeted audience. But in SEO, it focuses more on ranking your website on page one of Google search. But social media engagement is one of the best methods that you could ever perform, because it can give you direct and targeted customers or audience, but you need to give value to them first or else they might flag and ruin your reputation.

    However, if you want to know what would be the best SEO method, you should consider taking up SEO training courses that are effective and up to date that complies with the latest Google algorithm. I hope this helps you a lot, at least you gained ideas and put it into action.

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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    ^ It isn't! It's a good idea to use it, for traffic and branding, but not for SEO.
    SEO and social media aren't connected in any way.
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  • Profile picture of the author seotechlab
    if u need only traffic you can use social media if u need ranking then you must be use article,web 2.o
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  • Profile picture of the author aapbudgie98
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  • Profile picture of the author th3technician
    i like google+ its awsommmme
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Originally Posted by th3technician View Post

      i like google+ its awsommmme
      You and three others?

      Old thread...let it die.

      My original reply needs quoting...

      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      No wise man has the power to reason away what a fool believes.

      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author somyasharma
    Social media is not best but important for SEO. It is good communication medium with your audience. If you're looking for the best, then I would suggest you to think about the content marketing. It is the best part of online marketing. If you have quality and unique content, then it will surely help you to get more traffic for your business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Edward
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      • Profile picture of the author Slade556
        Originally Posted by somyasharma View Post

        Social media is not best but important for SEO.
        Originally Posted by Tina Edward View Post

        It is an important for SEO.
        No, no and again no!
        I agree with Paul, it's best to just stop talking about this. After a ton of replies that say social media has nothing to do with SEO, you just cannot come and reply saying it does..
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  • Profile picture of the author Tina Edward
    It is an important for SEO. It is very important way to promote our websites on different social sites.if we don't use social media for website's SEO then our website will not rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
    Basically social media sites keeps an important role in order to increase website traffic and reputation.
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  • Profile picture of the author sameon
    SEO and SMM are two different terms since it works on different ways but you can say that SMM is a part of SEO as it helps with the website's visibility on the web. Since SMM is usually used to get more traffic to your website, it is not the best SEO method in my own opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author MyGolden
    Social media is the best for promote your website, baclink is more important too. Make many baclink from web high PR.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hej123
    Are there any Facebook/Twitter networks where you share and like just to rank higher on searchengines?

    Otherwise if you think it would work well we could start one here.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    This thread is ridiculous.
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  • Profile picture of the author cabenb
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla
    If I were you I would focus on quality content. The more quality content you produce the more visitors will share and like it in a natural way. It also will lower your bounce rate and engage your visitors to stay longer on your site, view more pages etc.

    In my opinion it all depends on giving your visitors what they are looking for.
    Install our Brand New FREE Fast Discount Finder Chrome Extension It will find you the best discounts on Amazon on the fly!
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  • Profile picture of the author spurge0n
    Anyone who is not familiar with the algorithm that Google uses to rank sites should probably not comment on this as though they know what they're talking about.
    BlastFollow - Free tool to auto-follow people on Twitter who share your interests.
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  • Profile picture of the author NilimaSarasvati
    Social media is not the best SEO method. Social Media optimization is an integral part of SEO. It is true that SMO helps you to do promotional branding of your products however it also helps to nurture your SEO ranking with better exposure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla

    Social media has a key role in winning customer trust and recommendations, which plays a strong part in purchase decisions.
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  • Profile picture of the author jameswilliam724
    SMM or SMO are part of SEO. Today's trend is sharing your link through social media can get more traffics. It is the best way to get popular your website among internet marketing.

    Know about HTML 6 here - 10 best features of HTML 6 over HTML 5

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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by jameswilliam724 View Post

      SMM or SMO are part of SEO. Today's trend is sharing your link through social media can get more traffics. It is the best way to get popular your website among internet marketing.
      No, they are not. That makes no sense at all. Optimizing something unrelated can't be part of SEO.

      In my opinion it goes like this:

      - Marketing
      -- Internet marketing
      --- SEM
      --- SEO
      --- SMM

      So SEO and SMM are siblings, and SMO is a sub category of Social Media Marketing.

      Just noticed that this also happens to be the categorization that Wikipedia uses.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author Deborah English
    SMO is different method this is not called SEO. In SMO process we use social media sites to get traffic like: facebook, twitter, pinterest and GOOGLE plus etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author saurabhthakur12
    Social media is not a method of SEO, it is a technique that help to drive more traffic on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author william17
    No doubt Social Media is Good, But with social media you should work on other methods also.
    Only social media is not sufficient for Quality Optimization.
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  • Profile picture of the author faizzsheikh
    Yes social media has become an integral part of SEO, Google algorithm has become intelligent and considers the link popularity of a website across major social media networks.

    It also mean, if you don't have a social media link popularity you can still rank but with social media link popularity you will rank quickly and your rank position with be stronger and will not drop easily.
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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by faizzsheikh View Post

      Yes social media has become an integral part of SEO, Google algorithm has become intelligent and considers the link popularity of a website across major social media networks.
      No, it has not. Google would have to painstakingly develop connection to each platform they'd want to target, and keep constantly changing their code. If they'd do this, they'd probably cover just a few major social media platforms.

      It would be such a major change to their algorithms, and huge effort on their part that they'd make sure you know about it.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10082139].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    It dipend on what are your goals.
    SEO is better for be 1st in the search engine's unpaid results.
    IF you want targetted traffic there are other systems (NOT only social media)

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author william17
    Social media and search engine optimization are both different techniques.The method of using both activities is different.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikhailblaze
    First post!

    No, social media and SEO are two sides of the same coin. They look at different methods, but they are as important.

    Though I've read that Google considers Google+ posts, and apparently, it indexes Twitter tweets, using social media is never SEO.

    Think of it this way:

    SEO builds your website's authority, while social media allows you to increase traffic and reach customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidLee888
    Of course social media is the best platform for online promotion as well as driving organic traffic to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashwaniseo
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla

    SEO and SMO both are different. SMO can get more traffic. SEO will give unpaid results which are long lasting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Siyaagarwal
    Social Media is the best. But you need SEO also to get better ranking in search engine.
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    • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
      Originally Posted by Siyaagarwal View Post

      Social Media is the best. But you need SEO also to get better ranking in search engine.
      That's right. SMM and SEO both keeps important role for improving website ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author princy91
    Social media is the best way through which you can get maximum traffic and it has become very important now a days.
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  • Profile picture of the author joomdev
    Social media plays a vital role in seo.It is really very good to use it .Social helps to get traffic to your website in very short time period.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    This thread If it was a fur coat...

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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      This thread If it was a fur coat...
      This thread smells like R. Kelly's sheets. With all the circle jerking going on, I'd say skeet blanket fits too.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
    Not a bad idea. Of course social media works and it has great value in SEO. Social media can drive a lot's of traffic for websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Originally Posted by Himu14 View Post

    I am new in SEO, I have try to study a lot on internet. Most of them suggest Social Media Marketing. But I am Confused! Is this the best SEO method, or it just bring you the temporary traffic? If so, then what should the best method to get rang on google. Can you also tell me the real method of SEO that really works. My site- encyclobangla
    Social media is actually one of the best and fastest way to market your business.
    There are only few link building techniques left that actually work depending on your intentions. If you want to rank on SERP, then you don't just focus on SEO alone but rather on your target audience.

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