Ranking for keyword phrase without having it on page?

by Haship
3 replies
  • SEO
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Let's say there is a page about selling soap (just an example). It would be sold in New York only.

A page would have New York in the content and "selling", "buy", "soap" words too, but not in particular order like "buy soap in New York" (this exact phrase couldn't be found on the page).

So let's say I want to rank for "buy soap in New York" but I don't have the exact phrase in my content, would it be a good idea to rank for such keyword phrase if I don't have it in my content?
#keyword #page #phrase #ranking
  • Profile picture of the author ibtech
    It's a good idea and you should focus on having relevant and useful content on your webpage than having spammy page. Google is smart enough to understand your page content even if you're not using your targeted keyword term together. So focus on building high quality backlinks and you would see positive results.
    Incedo is a CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001 and 27001 certified, HIPAA compliant IT consulting and services firm.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by Haship View Post

    Let's say there is a page about selling soap (just an example). It would be sold in New York only.

    A page would have New York in the content and "selling", "buy", "soap" words too, but not in particular order like "buy soap in New York" (this exact phrase couldn't be found on the page).

    So let's say I want to rank for "buy soap in New York" but I don't have the exact phrase in my content, would it be a good idea to rank for such keyword phrase if I don't have it in my content?
    The site that ranks #1 for "SEO New York" is NYC SEO EXPERTS | New York Search Engine Optimization when I search.


    Nowhere in the content, tags, or images does "SEO New York" show up.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahmansoor
    You can rank as long as you have each word (or some synonyms ) individually (not as it is)!.
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