How important is Mobile compatibility?

by alex93
8 replies
  • SEO
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I am just wondering how important it is to optmize a website for mobile compatibility, ie adjusting the pixel size, optimizing the view port, is this something that is considered a potential factor in ranking sites.

What i am trying to work out, would not optimizing mobile compatibility effect the overall ranking and traffic received from Google, is there any form of punishment or effects from not optimizing it?


#compatibility #important #mobile
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    I have not seen any impact on regular rankings, but there definitely is in mobile rankings.
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    • Profile picture of the author alex93
      Thanks mate, do you happen, or anyone know what estimated size is best, it states below the pixel dimensions are to small, rendering between 11 CSS pixels and 16 CSS pixels, but it does not specify a minimum size so iv no idea what pixel size is recommended for mobile viewing.

      Any help would be great, just trying to fathom what font size i will need to remove all these errors.


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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by alex93 View Post

    I am just wondering how important it is to optmize a website for mobile compatibility, ie adjusting the pixel size, optimizing the view port, is this something that is considered a potential factor in ranking sites.

    What i am trying to work out, would not optimizing mobile compatibility effect the overall ranking and traffic received from Google, is there any form of punishment or effects from not optimizing it?


    to get a better idea of your specific issue try looking at: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel - QuirksBlog

    with that, I would say that some where you have a "zoom" malfunction or a viewport setting not set correctly.

    The other question to ask is are using a responsive platform?
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author alex93
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      The other question to ask is are using a responsive platform?
      Not sure i understand what you mean by this, site is run through CDN if that's any help.

      Pagespeed Insight reports. 70 / 100 Speed Mobile.
      76 / 100 Speed Desktop



      P.S Will read that link you left.

      Originally Posted by OliviasDad View Post

      What percentage of your users access your site via mobile devices
      I get about 245 queries on the UK and USA and about 20,000 impressions.


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  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Check your traffic stats first in GA. If there are signification visitors from mobile devices that you should consider optimizing your site for smart/handheld devices. For the legible fonts size, do some experimenting by increasing the font size and re-run the reports until there were no such warnings.
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
    Be more concerned about mobile usability

    What percentage of your users access your site via mobile devices

    Don't let a bad mobile experience keep your customers from following your call to action
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  • Profile picture of the author technician27
    If you want to keep mobile user visitors on your site then it is important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dellco
    Surprisingly, 90% of the threads here are not concerned about mobile useability. People are still asking the same dumb questions about keywords, SEO, links, guest blogging, blog comments, etc, like pre 2011.

    I think by the end of this year mobile compatibility will no longer be a choice. Google will judge a site based on its mobile compatibility. All the backlinks in the world are not going to help you when that change takes place, and it will be swift, and drastic.
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