Blocking the back button?

10 replies
  • SEO
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Hi Guys,

Just a quick question. Their is an extension called zero bounce for word-press. Basically when a user hits the back button it sends them to a page of your choice (such as an affiliate link).

Leaving out the ethical stance. Will google have a way of penalizing my site? I know this is not something I want to use in the long run but in the short run can google give me a penalty etc?

This is from another forum and gives you the take from someone.

"As for you saying not for long term. Sorry I dont totally agree and I have been using such tools on moneysites with my own custom made javascripts. They have been sitting on moneysites since 2012 and had no problem from Google and now is Jan 2015. Well my javascripts are still on those moneysites and those moneysites are all on google page one and for a lot of keywords position one. So could it back fire on me? Well the way I see it is if Google did a manual review then they might see it. There might then be a problem as I am breaking their Terms and conditions as I am cheating on CTR. But I would have to start doing stupid things as I have never had a manual review yet on one of my sites or pbns. The only time I have had a manual review is when I hacked one of my websites and wanted Google to do a manual review to off the algo. In that case I simple removed the javascript did what I needed to do and two weeks later after google added the website back in to the serps I re-added the javascripts etc I made. (p.s. want to say I hacked my own moneysites I dont mess with other peoples websites)."
#back #blocking #button
  • Profile picture of the author robdirect
    Any thoughts? One SEO guy seems to think in the short run this is fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author a2hosting
    Considering user satisfaction is a main ranking factor, I'd have to say that yes, this COULD potentially harm your rankings as this will undoubtedly lower the satisfaction of visitors of your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    Something at the back of my mind says that Google don't like the idea but that could just be if you're using AdWords, not totally sure.

    A couple of things to think about:
    • Google are very good at changing their mind, so even if something like this works at the moment, it may not in the future.
    • Site visitors aren't likely to like it. Maybe you don't care that they hit the 'x' to leave the site if they don't purchase (or do whatever else it is you want) but you need to take their reaction into consideration.
    When I reach an obstinate site I'll either click the Back button twice in quick succession (that works a lot of the time) or I'll use the drop-down recent history underneath the back button to select a non-aggressive page.

    Your call.

    But personally I wouldn't test it on a site I cared about.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc
    I fail to see how pizzing off the visitor will be beneficial in any way. Can someone explain?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarksWineClub
    It's a terrible idea. Seriously, can you put yourself in the shoes of someone who found your site.....for like a second?

    Who cares about what a SEO guy says about the short that any way to run a real business?

    Read our most recent articles on wine, this month it's that unappreciated region called Napa Valley.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Interfering with the navigation of the web once they are on your
      website is a google webmaster violation. Now I am quick to
      say in some cases google can be all wet and is just
      scaring people. But not on this one.

      Your website will lose a lot in the end.

      I also think you imagine that bounce rate means anything.

      If people are coming to your site under false pretenses,
      surfing out right away, that has nothing to do with bounce
      rate. It's about you misleading people or trying to shmooze
      google. Only people that try and trick others give a hoot
      about bounce rate, all other things being equal and


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    Have to agree with all the above on this, tricking users is a big no-no, if anyone has to resort to such tactics, then they must be pretty desperate and have crappy content on their website.

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  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    I'm a site builder. If someone comes me with this kind of suggestion I would try to convince them it's a bad idea. Especially if you're doing something as silly as "sculpting" bounce rate. You know, user leaving satisfied after reading a single article, and user leaving in disgust both count as a bounce.

    I can think of a few scenarios when sort-of disabling back button would be a good idea, but they involve a shopping cart or an order form that the user has already started to fill. Basically the same stuff that Facebook does whenever you start a comment, but try to browse away before hitting submit.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author uditsh
    You should read Google Blog post about inserting manipulative page into user's browser history - Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A reminder about manipulative or deceptive behavior
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Not a good idea at all!
    Your audience will not appreciate being tricked, so it won't benefit you at all. Think of it this way, would YOU like to be tricked like this? I'm almost 100% sure the answer is no.
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