Wordpress: Posts vs. Pages for SEO

by jgrink
8 replies
  • SEO
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I've reconstructed an SBI site I built using Wordpress along with SBI's site architecture; homepage>tier 2's>tier 3's. I used Pages (over 40 of them) to construct the site with the intent to add new content via Posts.

What do you think of that strategy as far as Google rankings? Does the Great "G" give a hoot about pages vs. posts? Should I disassemble the site by deleting a page and turning it into a post so as to avoid duplicate content? In other words, is the SBI form of 3-tier site architecture dated?
#pages #posts #seo #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Post vs Page doesn't matter as far as Google. What matters is what's in the HTML source code of the webpage.

    Page & Post are only labels for Wordpress theme files.

    From an end user POV, Wordpress Parent/Child Pages are easier to manage/structure than Wordpress Post/Categories.
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    • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
      Yukon, I have tried to download your seo silo wp theme, but cannot. It says that I do not have permission.

      Can you help?

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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by AlphaWarrior View Post

        Yukon, I have tried to download your seo silo wp theme, but cannot. It says that I do not have permission.

        Can you help?

        You'll have to be a member of the spartanmarketingacademy.com forum to download the SEO Silo Wordpress theme zip file. You can create a free forum profile.

        Most forums are setup that way with files attached to forum threads, even Warrior Forum does the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Here's my take. If you have website, non WP, non blog, then it is
    full of articles. If you wish to have fresh linking, news, enhancement,
    you make blog posts.

    If you just have a blog, then treat the pages as if they were website
    pages, posts for the second part.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Boy this is a long standing question and debate. is there a difference? there IS. BUT only if you look beyond the single page of content and start looking at structure.

      When you want real control over your content.. as in where it is in your site structure hierarchy you go with a "Page" all day long. if that is NOT of interest to you, then sure you can use a "Post". However doing so you lose that bigger picture SEO benefit.

      There are some little tricks that help a post along a bit, but they do require a bit of forward thinking and scheduling content in the right order. but even with this.. it simply does not have the same effect "Page" stacking has ( Silo ).

      So to REALLY answer the question.. the answer is PAGE's are better for SEO.. but only if you know what the hell you are doing.. other than that.. neh.. no difference
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author yogibeezy
    It really not hurts even you have more than pages. As long as you follow rules of Google with regards of its content
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  • Profile picture of the author worldprime
    Hey jgrink,

    Post is more SEO friendly than Page in general. Pages are for static content, posts are temporal content that you want to be categorized, tagged, archived. Once you have published a Post, it’s linked within categories, tags, archives, “recent posts”, and other multiple-post page. Conversely, Page is linked manually by yourself. Thus we suggest to increase exposure of your website is to choose WordPress Post
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  • And here's my take:
    A page should be content you want to be sure everyone who lands on your site sees (about page, contact page, privacy policy, etc). Everything else is a post. You can create category menus for your posts to fall under.
    Whether it is a page/post has no effect on SEO. You're keywords are what get you ranked and quality content brings the reader back.
    If you do decide to change any pages to posts, here is how you should do that:
    Open a new post, copy and paste content from page and save it as a draft. Go back and delete the page. On your new post, change the permalink slightly - for example: if original page permalink was best-wordpress-themes you can just remove the dashes making it bestwordpressthemes.
    Then publish the post.
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