How much would you charge for an seo appraisal?

by LynnM
6 replies
  • SEO
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I have been offered some seo work, and since it's the first time I've done this for anyone else, I'm torn between charging too much and too little. A friend has suggested £100 a site, just for an appraisal, but this seems quite steep. I'd welcome some Warrior thoughts on this.

#appraisal #charge #seo
  • Profile picture of the author marlonjbroussard
    Offer to do the appraisal for free... then give the client a comprehensive analysis on paper of how they will benefit from the changes you propose... then if they like the idea offer to make the changes for $500-$1500 (GBP) depending on your demographic and guarantee of results.
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    • Profile picture of the author LynnM
      Originally Posted by marlonjbroussard View Post

      Offer to do the appraisal for free... then give the client a comprehensive analysis on paper of how they will benefit from the changes you propose... then if they like the idea offer to make the changes for $500-$1500 (GBP) depending on your demographic and guarantee of results.
      I like that idea, thanks Marlon.
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  • Profile picture of the author artsub
    yeah, that is a good idea, but you might want to make sure there is a chance they are willing to spend that sort of money before you go and spend time putting together an appraisal.
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    • Profile picture of the author LynnM
      Originally Posted by artsub View Post

      yeah, that is a good idea, but you might want to make sure there is a chance they are willing to spend that sort of money before you go and spend time putting together an appraisal.
      That's a very good point, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Crofford
    Here is what I do. I charge a small fee for the appraisal and if they decide to use my services I discount my SEO fees the amount I charged for the appraisal. I do this because the fee discourages people from getting an appraisal who aren't serious about using my services.
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    • Profile picture of the author LynnM
      Originally Posted by Andy Crofford View Post

      Here is what I do. I charge a small fee for the appraisal and if they decide to use my services I discount my SEO fees the amount I charged for the appraisal. I do this because the fee discourages people from getting an appraisal who aren't serious about using my services.
      That's a great idea, Andy, and I think I'm going to go with that. Thanks very much for your input.

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