Am I doing SEO Correctly?

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  • SEO
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Hey Guys, wanted to know if I am doing offsite SEO right so far. My money site is a law firm website. It is my wives website.

1) I made a .wordpress blog (the free one) and created 10 articles. Each article has 1 backlink going back to a .blogger blog (free one) I made. The .blogger blog has1 back link from each of its blog posts going back to my money site.

Whenever I finish 10 blogs on the tier 2 and tier 1 site, I move on and made a new .wordpress and .blogger domain and repeat the process.

2) I create 5 new citations each week on business directories.

3) I am building up my G+, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest accounts. I am trying to get 1,000 followers on each. I started about 2 months ago on the social media accounts. For the time being as I try and get followers, I continuously post all my blogs on each site. The blogs I post are from tier 2, tier 1, and money site blog posts.

4) I started a podcast on and post all of my podcasts on my money page.

5) Currently, I look at where my top competitors get their backlinks from. I have not contacted the owners of these blogs yet but I am making a list of 30 blogs where my competitors seem to get most of their backlinks from. I am going to make sure the blogs are a few years old with a domain authority of over 30. I will then contact the webmasters of these blogs and request to guest post.

6) I will begin a youtube channel soon enough and post videos.

7) I leave a comment in the comment section (with my backlink) of 1 well known legal blog everyweek. I leave about 5 comments per week.

So what do you guys think? Is this a good start or all completely useless? Any additional pointers? Should I look into PBNs?

Thanks in advance Warriors!!!
#correctly #seo
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    1) Those links are extremely weak and backed up by links that are just as weak. In something competitive like the legal field, these links are pretty useless.

    2) Why only 5? Do as many of them as you can. Get all the major directories done ASAP.

    3) This will have zero impact on your rankings.

    4) That is fine to do, but is unlikely to bring targeted traffic from your local market. The links will be pretty weak too.

    5) Ignore domain age and Domain Authority. If they are relevant sites, you should try to get links from them. Domain age and Domain Authority play zero role in determining the quality of the link. Otherwise, this is a good idea.

    6) If you are doing this just for the links, don't bother. If you are doing it because the videos will help conversions, go for it.

    7) Comment links are generally pretty weak.

    It sounds like you are spending a lot of time, so the effort is there. It is just misguided.
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  • Profile picture of the author danparks
    Originally Posted by RedBrooklynNYC View Post

    It is my wives website.
    More than one wife? Hopefully you aren't in the U.S. (except for Utah, you might be able to get away with it there).

    On a more serious note, I agree with everything MikeF said above. That's all sound advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author SnackMemory
    We need to know more about how you generate money from that site, it matters.

    Are you doing any on site seo? Just link building is not always healthy.

    Sound like your doing old school tricks like link wheels or what ever. Id focus on finding places to share your site and link that are higher quality. Have a good site to get more links once you get a bit of traffic.

    Podcast might help a little, I would not expect much.

    Social media followers matters less or none, then links being shared by them.

    Focus less on spaming links, more on keyword and traffic engagement patterns.
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    • Profile picture of the author RedBrooklynNYC
      Hey SnackMemory,

      I write 2 blogs a week for this site, optimize it with images and keep a 2%-3% ratio of the keyword I am trying to rank for within the blog.

      I also create 2 land pages each week with my keyword and a city or town within the <h1> tag.
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