Wordtracker or Google Adwords Tool:Which one to trust?

11 replies
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Hi there..

I'd appreciate any help from you people.Here's my question.

Obviously two of the FREE keyword research tools that most people use are Google Adwords and Wordtracker.Some of the keywords are showing high search count in Wordtracker but not in Google's Tool and vice versa. So which one is more accurate and reliable to find a niche?

I'm looking for real experience or case study from you guys.

Thanks in advance!!
#adwords #google #toolwhich #trust #wordtracker
  • Profile picture of the author kenjitay
    Well, from my experience, I can say both are rough estimates but I will have to go with Google since we all use Google as our Search engine. However, do note that it also doesn't return very accurate results...

    With regards to Wordtracker, the difference in searches is because the source of Wordtracker data is complied from DogPile and MetaCrawler.

    That explains the difference between the 2 keyword tool.

    However, wordtracker can be very useful in getting some quick related keyword phrases. and if you are doing niche research, I would suggest you compile the data from both search engine and also read up on your market Forums, Yahoo Ans, Magazines etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
      Originally Posted by kenjitay View Post

      However, wordtracker can be very useful in getting some quick related keyword phrases. and if you are doing niche research, I would suggest you compile the data from both search engine and also read up on your market Forums, Yahoo Ans, Magazines etc.

      That's the problem now.Sometimes wordtracker will show good long tail keyword (you feel like you've just found a goldmine) with high search count but when you test it at Google's keyword tool, you'll be disappointed.

      I think for the time being,I'm gona stick with Google as a few of my articles managed to get #1 page quickly!!

      Thanks for your input
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRealDomainer
    I use both but get more results from google
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    • Profile picture of the author vivagogo
      Originally Posted by JJOrana View Post

      Here's my answer to that:

      - Jon
      thanks for the info.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1095020].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
    Originally Posted by JJOrana View Post

    Here's my answer to that:

    Keyword Tools Conspiracy Theory | Taknique

    - Jon
    Awesome explanation and useful blog!! Thanks. Jon
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    I use both big G and Wordtracker, however, my favorite is rarely mentioned...


    Yea, I said it, ya wanna fight about it?

    Keyword Research: Microsoft adCenter Labs :: Advertising and Data Mining Tools: Microsoft adCenter Labs

    Keyword Forecast
    :: Keyword Forecast: Keyword Research: adCenter Labs
    This tool forecasts the impression count and predicts demographic distributions of keywords. Before launching your SEO or SEM campaign, get forecasts of search volume and demographic predictions for your selected keywords.

    Entity Association Graph :: Entity Association Graph: Keyword Research: adCenter Labs
    This tool provides a graphic view of the associations between entities by mining the co-occurrences of entities in search queries or search sessions. Such associations will be useful when creating query suggestions or analyzing user search patterns.

    Keyword Group Detection :: Keyword Group Detection: Keyword Research: adCenter Labs
    Based on keywords that a user enters, this tool helps to find the groups of words from the pool of online queries that are related or similar to the keywords entered by the user. This keyword research tool also detects common misspellings of keywords entered, which can help merchants to include commonly misspelled keywords when bidding for lists of keywords.

    Keyword Mutation Detection :: Keyword Mutation Detection: Keyword Research: adCenter Labs
    This tool displays common misspellings or alternative spellings of keywords that a user enters that are frequently found in search query logs. The process of finding mutations is based on the technology found in keyword group detection.

    Search Funnels :: Search Funnels: Keyword Research: adCenter Labs
    Customers often perform searches by typing related keywords in specific sequences. This tool helps in visualizing and analyzing the customers' search sequences. For example, you can learn how many people search for BMW and then search for Mercedes Benz, Audi, and other automobiles.



    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author ebizman87

      I've never heard of all the stuff you mentioned above Jared.Thanks.
      Any success stories to share here?

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  • Profile picture of the author joesmith1608
    google adwords keyword tool used more because it is free.
    And wordstracker is free and paid both so it is used less .
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  • Profile picture of the author Deepikarajpal
    personally i prefer Wordtracker as it is more correct as compare to Google Adword which only provide with us limited data
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  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    In my experience, Google's figures are often a wild guess. But it's better than nothing and gives a place to start.

    Wordtracker's sample is too limited for me - when was the last time anyone you know used Dogpile?

    Whilst there's no specific numbers data, Google Insights for Search and also the suggestions that appear as you type in your search are great places to find untapped keywords with decent volume. Insights because it shows the trends, the suggestions because a lot of people will choose them rather than keep typing.
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