Been stuck on page 2 for months

by Seokix
20 replies
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I was hoping to get some opinions on a predicament of mine. I have been working on a site for 7+ months and the site just will not budge. Here is basically what I have done so far:

  • Steady link velocity
  • Sape links
  • Clean link profile
  • Anchor variations
  • Brand links
  • Powerful PBN links
  • Hidden links
  • Social Profiles
  • SILO site structure
  • Press Release
No matter how much I throw at the site or diversify the strategy the site simply will not budge, I'm all out of ideas but have a budget to work with - not looking for job offers, just opinions please!

Thanks guys and girls.
#months #page #stuck
  • Profile picture of the author Jonny2spoons
    You've almost certainly got a toxic link or 2 pointing to your site. Probably the sape links, but hidden links won't help either.

    You need to trawl through your entire link profile. Check for any links from sites not indexed in google and disavow them. Give it a week and see if there's any difference.

    If not, then maybe cancel your sape links and throw a few new QUALITY pbn links at it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Seokix
      Originally Posted by Jonny2spoons View Post

      You've almost certainly got a toxic link or 2 pointing to your site. Probably the sape links, but hidden links won't help either.

      You need to trawl through your entire link profile. Check for any links from sites not indexed in google and disavow them. Give it a week and see if there's any difference.

      If not, then maybe cancel your sape links and throw a few new QUALITY pbn links at it.
      Thanks for the reply, any tools to recommend?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Is it the site in your sig? There is no content - none.

        You can link and putter all you want but in my experience a site with no content is going nowhere....
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author Seokix
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          Is it the site in your sig? There is no content - none.

          You can link and putter all you want but in my experience a site with no content is going nowhere....
          This is the second version of the site, yes it it the one in my sig. In it's previous form the homepage was full of relevant, unique content and it still did not budge.

          It is not the homepage that is stuck on page 2, it is one of the inner pages, which does have content.

          It seems like none of the serps in my niche every move! Every thing serp seems to be locked in place.
          Overnight & Automatic! Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine Fame - From £9.97

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonny2spoons
        Originally Posted by Seokix View Post

        Thanks for the reply, any tools to recommend?

        Use and webmaster tools.

        Also, don't believe everything that's been posted here. Sape is certainly high risk but I know plenty of people who still use them and don't have penalties. If it was sape, you'd probably be deindexed and have an email from Google by now.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by Seokix View Post


    I was hoping to get some opinions on a predicament of mine. I have been working on a site for 7+ months and the site just will not budge. Here is basically what I have done so far:

    • Sape links
    • Clean link profile

    Really, clean link profile with SAPE links?

    Good luck with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
    Originally Posted by Seokix View Post


    I was hoping to get some opinions on a predicament of mine. I have been working on a site for 7+ months and the site just will not budge. Here is basically what I have done so far:

    • Steady link velocity
    • Sape links
    • Clean link profile
    • Anchor variations
    • Brand links
    • Powerful PBN links
    • IFTTT
    • Hidden links
    • Social Profiles
    • SILO site structure
    • Press Release
    No matter how much I throw at the site or diversify the strategy the site simply will not budge, I'm all out of ideas but have a budget to work with - not looking for job offers, just opinions please!

    Thanks guys and girls.
    You can find the answer to your question in the link below:

    Did Google Just Penalize Another Link Network? SAPE Links

    And this article is from 2013...
    HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I'd drop the
    steady link velocity
    hidden links
    press releases.

    Well, press releases unless you have a press-release worthy event.

    Use the saved resources to get more PBN and other quality links (like top sites in related industries/niches, maybe an industry online magazine).

    And, let me underscore what Yukon already pointed out: clean link profile and sape are mutually exclusive.

    Originally Posted by Seokix View Post


    I was hoping to get some opinions on a predicament of mine. I have been working on a site for 7+ months and the site just will not budge. Here is basically what I have done so far:

    • Steady link velocity
    • Sape links
    • Clean link profile
    • Anchor variations
    • Brand links
    • Powerful PBN links
    • IFTTT
    • Hidden links
    • Social Profiles
    • SILO site structure
    • Press Release
    No matter how much I throw at the site or diversify the strategy the site simply will not budge, I'm all out of ideas but have a budget to work with - not looking for job offers, just opinions please!

    Thanks guys and girls.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10505690].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danparks
    I second the dropping of sape links and hidden links. I think Google has sape figured out (and if they haven't, they soon will). Hidden links is a very old technique, and I'm sure Google either ignores them or penalizes them.
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  • Profile picture of the author vf8170
    I just googled SAPE links because I didn't know what they were. I don't think I would help anyone that uses techniques like this. It's beyond spamming and if I read correctly, it's breaking the law and hacking people's sites which why would you want to do business with anyone that did something like that?

    Hopefully my quick search was wrong which in turn I'm sorry for busting in this thread...
    I hate scammers and people who talk when not knowing what they are saying...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10506014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
      Originally Posted by vf8170 View Post

      I just googled SAPE links because I didn't know what they were. I don't think I would help anyone that uses techniques like this. It's beyond spamming and if I read correctly, it's breaking the law and hacking people's sites which why would you want to do business with anyone that did something like that?

      Hopefully my quick search was wrong which in turn I'm sorry for busting in this thread...
      SAPE is a private network where you can buy links to help boost your sites SERPs.
      They are russian and yes, they hack sites and place links there (but remember, not all the websites are hacked, in fact, only a small portion is)
      What`s curious is why are people still using them? (it`s 2016)
      HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Based on the activities you said you were doing to try to rank your website, it sounds like Google's algorithm is working pretty well.
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    Just took a look at your metrics.. Your TF and CF and kind of low for buying SAPE links. I'm not going to frown down on the use of sape or anything else black hat.... I use it all and rank.

    Looking at your anchor text might give a clue. You have ONLY brand related anchors that I am seeing. Gotta fix that if you want to rank
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    Whatever you do, stop listening to people telling you to avoid SAPE. Understand that it is ONE method to rank (and it works really freakin well right now) and you have no right to complain if you get hit after sending them to you main site direct. If you are cool with that then I can help
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10511043].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      And, yet, you too think it's a lousy idea for the OP to use sape links on this site!

      Originally Posted by svsets10 View Post

      Whatever you do, stop listening to people telling you to avoid SAPE. Understand that it is ONE method to rank (and it works really freakin well right now) and you have no right to complain if you get hit after sending them to you main site direct. If you are cool with that then I can help
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      • Profile picture of the author ktz16
        How did you get stuck on page 2? Click next to go page 3 or previous to go to page 1 ;-)
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        • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
          Originally Posted by svsets10 View Post

          Whatever you do, stop listening to people telling you to avoid SAPE. Understand that it is ONE method to rank (and it works really freakin well right now) and you have no right to complain if you get hit after sending them to you main site direct. If you are cool with that then I can help
          So...what is your opinion on the SAPE links that are placed on hacked sites? Do you think they are ok?

          Originally Posted by ktz16 View Post

          How did you get stuck on page 2? Click next to go page 3 or previous to go to page 1 ;-)
          Wait, what? Did someone make a joke?
          HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10511724].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author svsets10
            Originally Posted by HCFGrizzly View Post

            So...what is your opinion on the SAPE links that are placed on hacked sites? Do you think they are ok?

            Wait, what? Did someone make a joke?
            SAPE requires a set of filters. What my filters are vs. your requirements for obtaining a back link could be very different. One thing that I personally do is run all potential links through a malware checker. If a site has SAPE injected into the code vs shows malware are two different things.

            Here is something that people don't realize, SOME sites are hacked, most utilize the marketplace to earn extra money the same way that we put adsense on sites. It's an advertising marketplace.

            As long as you do your due diligence then you can get results. Test and track. I just ranked a local lead gen site (med competition but low search volume because it's local) with a handful of SAPE, some socials and a little bit of GSA to diversify anchor text ratios.

            Like I previously said, it's up to you and how you choose to add these types of links into your strategy. More people are using SAPE then you think, that's for sure and they are leaving competitors scratching their heads.
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      • Profile picture of the author svsets10
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        And, yet, you too think it's a lousy idea for the OP to use sape links on this site!
        Where did I ever say not to use SAPE? Read through that again. There are certain risks that have to be assumed when using any link building method. I absolutely use SAPE and LOTS of it. The point is that all links are not created equal. SAPE is a minefield, there are great links and there are awful links all that are available for you to purchase. The good links help, the bad links hurt simple as that.

        What I told the OP was if you are using SAPE and you decide that is your approach then you can't come on a forum and cry to everyone that you got hit if you used them wrong or bought bad links. It's the same risk as buying ANY links online.

        For people to come on here and have zero experience with SAPE and say not to use it because they HEARD or READ that it was bad is just plain silly. We need to collectively stop trying to be spoon fed information and try things out for ourselves. The results might surprise you when you stop worrying about what google "might" do to your site.

        Should you be testing an idea like SAPE and you do get hit then re-think your strategy. Was it the links, the anchors, the velocity? You are only going to learn that on your own.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10512116].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          Well, I told the OP to drop SAPE links and a couple of other things, seeing what else the OP was doing (and claiming clean link profile) and you told the OP to stop listening to me.

          I'm telling the OP that he needs to pick a strategy whose component parts work together.

          I'm telling the OP that each strategy you choose, each tactic you employ has consequences... You need to accept those consequences or change strategy/tactics.

          That some strategies/tactics are best not used on the money site.

          When you know what something does and accept the consequences, you can use it and get great results.

          On this forum, a lot of people don't get that, including the OP.

          Originally Posted by svsets10 View Post

          Where did I ever say not to use SAPE? Read through that again. There are certain risks that have to be assumed when using any link building method. I absolutely use SAPE and LOTS of it. The point is that all links are not created equal. SAPE is a minefield, there are great links and there are awful links all that are available for you to purchase. The good links help, the bad links hurt simple as that.

          What I told the OP was if you are using SAPE and you decide that is your approach then you can't come on a forum and cry to everyone that you got hit if you used them wrong or bought bad links. It's the same risk as buying ANY links online.

          For people to come on here and have zero experience with SAPE and say not to use it because they HEARD or READ that it was bad is just plain silly. We need to collectively stop trying to be spoon fed information and try things out for ourselves. The results might surprise you when you stop worrying about what google "might" do to your site.

          Should you be testing an idea like SAPE and you do get hit then re-think your strategy. Was it the links, the anchors, the velocity? You are only going to learn that on your own.
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