SEO: The Right Way ? Help

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I'm going throw internet marketing.
I started a health & fitness website in which I intend to give valuable content that can help.
As well I'm going to monetize it with AdSense and Some CB products for now.
I'm a newbie at SEO and ranking.
So I'm asking your advises
-What I have to do to rank my website, I mean the way that I need to follow.
-How to work on keyword.?

This the website: WOMEN'S HEALTH CALIFORNIA – Take your health life to the next level…

Thank you so much
#rank #1 on google #seo
  • Profile picture of the author irawr
    Originally Posted by Elyn Tobiac View Post

    I'm going throw internet marketing.
    I started a health & fitness website in which I intend to give valuable content that can help.
    As well I'm going to monetize it with AdSense and Some CB products for now.
    I'm a newbie at SEO and ranking.
    So I'm asking your advises
    -What I have to do to rank my website, I mean the way that I need to follow.
    -How to work on keyword.?

    This the website: WOMEN'S HEALTH CALIFORNIA – Take your health life to the next level…

    Thank you so much
    Ok first, does SEOmonster allow you to change the page title without changing the URL? A lot of your page titles are not going to rank on anything that ever generates traffic.

    "Stop Drinking Bubbly Water"

    Google Keyword Planner -> Average Monthly Searches = 0

    Also, the content on that page is extremely short.

    This is kind of a BS myth but, I still always recommend at least 500 words of content on every page. It's not necessarily true, but usually it is.

    To find keywords (the free way) what you can do is find keywords with the Google Keyword Planner, install moz bar, then search the keyword.

    You're looking for several things:

    #1 is the keyword showing up in the page title, it doesn't have to be the exact phrase, but do all the words appear in the title. (if none are awesome.)
    #2 is the keyword showing up in the page? (if not awesome.)
    #3 are the search results closely related to the search term. (if not probably really awesome)
    #4 are the sites showing up, about that topic exclusively, are they niche sites about whatever the search is about (not a good sign)
    #5 what is the domain authority (note: it can be manipulated) that moz is displaying for the search result? Is it all 90+ (very bad news) or is it a bunch of DA 15-20 sites (good news) with maybe one 40 in there? Note some sites moz doesn't return a DA at all, use common sense, if it's a youtube video, it's not DA 0.

    That would be what I would suggest you do to get started.

    Improve your content length on every page, and change your page titles so they contain keywords. Preferably ones where you did what I said above and the search returns competition that has low domain authority (according to Moz.)
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  • Profile picture of the author wdcbangalore
    If you ready do SEO for your website optimize your tags insert your correct keyword to that tags,make your website unique and quality of content after that you can start quality of link building for your site.
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