One Formula to Rule Them All: SEO Data Analysis Made Easy in Excel

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Jeremy Gottlieb writes for a blog called and he shares some great material on advanced SEO, analytics and tools. Jeremy currently works as a consultant at and has extensive experience in use acquisition and startup growth.

His latest blog is all about SEO data analysis and how to make the process easier using Excel.

Data analysis is a pain in the butt, so anything that can make the tedious task is well worth a read in my book and Jeremy has come up with a formula using Excel that can categorise data and help analyse your insights and data presentation.

His formula is: =if(isnumber(search(“string 1”, [beginning cell])),”Category 1”, if(isnumber(search(“string 2”, [beginning cell])),”Category 2”, “Other”)

While this may not mean much to you or I, he provides a few key points to support why it’s a good idea to look into using a formula such as this one to hone in on SEO analytics.

Here are a few points from his blog on what a formula is a great option for SEO analysis:
  • Keyword research - when you’re staring at a page of keywords to analyse patterns and search volumes a formula can help to see patterns of similarity. The formula is included in the article and Jeremy steps through the process with this one too.
  • Disavow work - Monitoring your backlink profile for spammy and manipulative links is a smart idea and is highly recommended for analysing opportunities to disavow certain links if they look to be a liability. Again, the formula for this is in the article.
  • Parsing analytics - analysing information about traffic to a client’s site from organic channels can include a stack of information and lines of data. Using a formula allows for labels to be created to categorise and break down types of pages and where improvements can be made.
Excel formulas such as the one Jeremy has created are invaluable and will save you heaps of time if you’re looking to identify faster ways to analyse data and provide important information to your business or client.

Check out the full article here

Excel buffs will love this stuff, if you’ve found other ways to make SEO data analysis easier please do share..
#analysis #data #easy #excel #formula #made #rule #seo
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I guess moz assumes If they have crappy backlinks the rest of the world has crappy backlinks.

    In the real world, millions of webmasters don't care about the Google disavow tool and still rank pages all day long on Google SERPs.
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