significant rank drop overnight
- SEO |
A few days ago I experienced the scariest moment of my life. My site which was ranking the first position for 10 most important keywords just went to rank 80 and 35. My whole site is dropped. My own brand name comes at position of 6. I have been slowly building links for the past 6 months and everything was just fine. 3 weeks ago I ordered 800 facebook shares for my naked url only. What could be the problem? Also I changed my http to https 4 weeks ago after which I saw improvement in all keyword rankings. There is one thing:
when I ordered https I installed it on the subdomain because my main site is on the subdomain. Since I use Directadmin panel I had to create seperate add on domain for the subdomain and copied the site from subdomain folder to the addon domain which is actually that subdomain and both site data are on the host. Could that cause duplicate content problem? My site is full of original and good content and I really deserve to be 1st position.
P.S: There is no message in Webmastertool for penalty of any kind. What is the problem? Thank you very much.
P.S.1: When I moved to https I 301 redirected only the important page which were receiving traffic.(7 out of 210)
PS.2: In webmaster tools the number indexed pages for my https version has been 0 since I moved to https
Marc Lawrence -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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Mike Anthony -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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MikeFriedman -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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