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This is my first post. I'll try to make it short.

I was interested in starting a website but had absolutely no knowledge on how to do so. A friend at work showed me his site and directed me to iPage. I signed up with iPage due to the low price and the platform options were WordPress or Weebly. I tried both and chose Weebly for the simplicity and my lack of knowledge/experience in building a website.

It has been about 6 months and I am getting virtually no traffic. I set up my SEO using Weebly tutorials and my search rank is stuck on Google pg 2 on one key word and not ranking with other key words. I contacted two SEO companies. The most recent one that I talked to said I likely will not rank high due to Weebly and iPage. He recommended I get a site on a different platform with a different host.

Before trying to figure out WordPress or hiring someone to build me a new site, I'm hoping to get feedback on here regarding Weebly and iPage when considering SEO rankings. Was the person at this SEO company just trying to earn some business or was he accurate in saying I should switch from Weebly and iPage?
#ipage #weebly
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by kit5pt0 View Post

    This is my first post. I'll try to make it short.

    I was interested in starting a website but had absolutely no knowledge on how to do so. A friend at work showed me his site and directed me to iPage. I signed up with iPage due to the low price and the platform options were WordPress or Weebly. I tried both and chose Weebly for the simplicity and my lack of knowledge/experience in building a website.

    It has been about 6 months and I am getting virtually no traffic. I set up my SEO using Weebly tutorials and my search rank is stuck on Google pg 2 on one key word and not ranking with other key words. I contacted two SEO companies. The most recent one that I talked to said I likely will not rank high due to Weebly and iPage. He recommended I get a site on a different platform with a different host.

    Before trying to figure out WordPress or hiring someone to build me a new site, I'm hoping to get feedback on here regarding Weebly and iPage when considering SEO rankings. Was the person at this SEO company just trying to earn some business or was he accurate in saying I should switch from Weebly and iPage?

    Those types of sites usually have some limits while a regular host allows you to do whatever you want. This might not sound like a big deal when you first start out but odds are If you're serious about building a site you'll eventually max out a host like Weebly, etc...

    My advice is buy a cheap shared host, example $10 which can be paid monthly If needed. A new domain name is roughly $10 per year. So with the host + domain name you would be looking at roughly $130 per year.

    What exactly is your goal? Do you own an offline business or doing affiliate marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkJukov
    iPage is a terrible host, based off of my experience. If you're looking for a good blogging software, then everyone uses Wordpress. Why? It's just better. If you can't find the information you're looking for here then importing your website over to Wordpress is a great way to really kick start your website.
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    • Profile picture of the author kit5pt0
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Those types of sites usually have some limits while a regular host allows you to do whatever you want. This might not sound like a big deal when you first start out but odds are If you're serious about building a site you'll eventually max out a host like Weebly, etc...

      My advice is buy a cheap shared host, example $10 which can be paid monthly If needed. A new domain name is roughly $10 per year. So with the host + domain name you would be looking at roughly $130 per year.

      What exactly is your goal? Do you own an offline business or doing affiliate marketing?
      If my only issue is maxing out a host I'm probably nowhere near that at this time and could change in the future if need be. I'm more concerned with the seo with weebly and iPage based on my appointment with this most recent SEO company who said my rankings will suffer due to Weebly and iPage. I was just wondering if this was correct or if he was trying to sell me on his services.

      I am doing affiliate marketing, but it requires a face to face appointment at an office I rent by the hour when I have an appointment scheduled.

      Originally Posted by MarkJukov View Post

      iPage is a terrible host, based off of my experience. If you're looking for a good blogging software, then everyone uses Wordpress. Why? It's just better. If you can't find the information you're looking for here then importing your website over to Wordpress is a great way to really kick start your website.
      I'll have to check out importing to WordPress. I haven't done any research on it but if I can take what I've done so far on Weebly and move it to WordPress that would certainly help.
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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by kit5pt0 View Post

        If my only issue is maxing out a host I'm probably nowhere near that at this time and could change in the future if need be. I'm more concerned with the seo with weebly and iPage based on my appointment with this most recent SEO company who said my rankings will suffer due to Weebly and iPage. I was just wondering if this was correct or if he was trying to sell me on his services.

        I am doing affiliate marketing, but it requires a face to face appointment at an office I rent by the hour when I have an appointment scheduled.

        I'll have to check out importing to WordPress. I haven't done any research on it but if I can take what I've done so far on Weebly and move it to WordPress that would certainly help.

        In that case weebly has HTML webpages so it doesn't matter. It will rank just like any other page.

        Mark my word, If you're serious about a site there will come a day when you need more from a host.

        If the weebly site doesn't ever get too big then you could always just copy/paste content later on into a self hosted Wordpress site.

        Keep in mind changing over a site that already has ranked pages (say you rank the weebly pages) isn't a smart move. It can be done If you know what you're doing but I seriously doubt weebly allows exact internal URL 301 redirects to another site/domain/page.

        Go with paid shared hosting and you can skip the possibility of ever needing to upgrade host. Plus a self hosted site looks more professional, instead of my-site.weebly.com the domain would be my-site.com.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10820057].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kit5pt0
          Originally Posted by yukon View Post

          In that case weebly has HTML webpages so it doesn't matter. It will rank just like any other page.

          Mark my word, If you're serious about a site there will come a day when you need more from a host.

          If the weebly site doesn't ever get too big then you could always just copy/paste content later on into a self hosted Wordpress site.

          Keep in mind changing over a site that already has ranked pages (say you rank the weebly pages) isn't a smart move. It can be done If you know what you're doing but I seriously doubt weebly allows exact internal URL 301 redirects to another site/domain/page.

          Go with paid shared hosting and you can skip the possibility of ever needing to upgrade host. Plus a self hosted site looks more professional, instead of my-site.weebly.com the domain would be my-site.com.
          I'm using a paid shared host with iPage so the website address doesn't say Weebly in it. I suppose I could switch from Weebly on iPage to WordPress on iPage. If there is no concern with ranking while using Weebly and iPage like the SEO comany that I talked to suggested then I'll probably stick with Weebly and iPage. What prompted me to initially post was this SEO company saying Google wouldn't rank an iPage host with Weebly platform well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aristocratic
      Originally Posted by MarkJukov View Post

      iPage is a terrible host, based off of my experience. If you're looking for a good blogging software, then everyone uses Wordpress. Why? It's just better. If you can't find the information you're looking for here then importing your website over to Wordpress is a great way to really kick start your website.

      I second this; I had the worst experience with iPage. The pages would load so slowly and there was so much downtime. It's been a few years since I used them, but I doubt they are any better.

      I have had good experiences with Hostgator, Hostmonster, DreamHost, D9, and HostTheName.


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  • Profile picture of the author MrWhistler
    I use iPage for my blog. I have not noticed any problems since I started 3 months ago. I subscribed for 2 years. Is it wise I switch hosts?

    I don't think I have any problems with them but I get concerned whenever I hear what people have to say about them. My site is like my baby; I don't think I can handle any problems due to web host.

    What should I do?
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  • Profile picture of the author daniel27lt
    Hi, I have used both a long time ago just like you when I was starting out (like 7 years ago). I started learning HTML to build my own website from the ground up and started hosting on a shared hosting providers for under $10. But my business advanced so I started using Wordpress. That's not Wordpress.com I mean Wordpress.org, there is a difference. Wordpress.com is like Weebly but Wordpress.org is self-hosted and is so much more powerful. Goolge favors and loves Wordpress.org websites, as more then 20% of all websites in the world now use them and is growing everyday.

    But I understand your question that you are needing more SEO. There are many tips, knowledge and time when it comes to SEO.

    Some key points to consider are the following:

    - Within you website use meta data such as descriptions.
    - Strong keywords throughout your site.
    - Use unique content.
    - Use Google webmasters to get a full insight of how Goolge is seeing you site.
    - When using Wordpress use the best SEO plugin called "Yoast SEO". This plugin will help you boost SEO for Wordpress - a very powerful plugin and simply to use.
    - Create backlinks to your website from other "high" ranking websites via article marketing or social media.
    - Structure your website date to comply with Google.

    What I have mentioned above is only the tip of the iceberg but they are important but can be looked into further and ventured more.

    The following SEO products might help you out, as they have helped me..

    Free SEO Products

    I hope this has answered your question and will help in all your SEO needs.
    Download Free PLR Products to give away to build your list. Find all the most up-to-date PLR on the market.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10821875].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kit5pt0
      Originally Posted by daniel27lt View Post

      Hi, I have used both a long time ago just like you when I was starting out (like 7 years ago). I started learning HTML to build my own website from the ground up and started hosting on a shared hosting providers for under $10. But my business advanced so I started using Wordpress. That's not Wordpress.com I mean Wordpress.org, there is a difference. Wordpress.com is like Weebly but Wordpress.org is self-hosted and is so much more powerful. Goolge favors and loves Wordpress.org websites, as more then 20% of all websites in the world now use them and is growing everyday.

      But I understand your question that you are needing more SEO. There are many tips, knowledge and time when it comes to SEO.

      Some key points to consider are the following:

      - Within you website use meta data such as descriptions.
      - Strong keywords throughout your site.
      - Use unique content.
      - Use Google webmasters to get a full insight of how Goolge is seeing you site.
      - When using Wordpress use the best SEO plugin called "Yoast SEO". This plugin will help you boost SEO for Wordpress - a very powerful plugin and simply to use.
      - Create backlinks to your website from other "high" ranking websites via article marketing or social media.
      - Structure your website date to comply with Google.

      What I have mentioned above is only the tip of the iceberg but they are important but can be looked into further and ventured more.

      The following SEO products might help you out, as they have helped me..

      Free SEO Products

      I hope this has answered your question and will help in all your SEO needs.
      Thanks for the advice! Since I am already on iPage and it offers both the Weebly and WordPress platform it sounds like I should switch over to WordPress. iPage is only $2/month. Do you think iPage is detrimental to Google rankings?
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  • Profile picture of the author metricbuzz
    Weebly and iPage is not good choice for your SEO and rank up. These kind of sites has limitations and you needs to work more hard than wordpress. You should transfer your website to wordpress and start work. Also..this is important to look your keywords and research them good to rank up.

    Hi, my name is Da Zheng, I am the developer and founder of RankOffer.com.

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