5 quick and easy SEO techniques
- SEO |
1. Improve SEO titles
First, avoid the Keyword Stuffing, repeating, again and again, the keywords and their variations. Only with this change I've been through a web of position 114 to 34, because Google that sounds like spam and directly lower your rankings.
Second, look for keywords for which you appear close, and added to the content or some degree these phrases.
2. Improve your website's load
If it takes more than 4 seconds for your website to load, you should improve it. The problem could be the hosting, plugins or theme.
3. Improve hosting
If you want a very cheap hosting, the best solution is to choose a serial one that should not be very expensive, but always depend on your needs, the type of web, the number of visitors you have, etc.
4. The Theme and plugins
There is a false myth that says that you cannot use more than 10 plugins. It actually depends on the quality of the plugins and the theme you use (if you do not use WordPress, the equivalent in the system with your web)
The P3 plugin uses the profiler to find out if you have any burden that slows your website down a lot, and if anything stands out, ask yourself if you really need that functionality. The answer depends on each case and if you value more the function that gives you or load time.
5. SEO Tool to correct minor errors
You can use tools such as WooRank or MetricSpot, a free and premium area that offer guides for web audits and report templates.
The priority is that search engines indexed properly and you know what you want. To achieve this in a short time, you need a tool that makes you as complete a report as possible without complications.
When you get your start page, you get a text entry box where you enter the address of our website, and a button "analyze". No records, no complicated settings. After a minute of analysis, you get a complete and well-structured analysis of errors and strengths of your website.
When finished, it will display a pie chart with the score on 100, next to a bar chart with indicators well, to improve, and urgent. The important thing is that you have a second list of five priorities.
Usually, we just have to pick one of the 5 priorities SEO list and do something to improve it, such as:
1. Enter more content
2. Add more backlinks that point to your website
3. Expand your domain registration
4. Promote your website in Social Media
5. Add a Favicon
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