The best SEO tip for the time-poor!

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  • SEO
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There's no doubt that SEO can be, and in fact is for some, a full-time job. If you haven't paid to engage with an expert on this, it can be a bit of a minefield to make sure you're doing everything you need to in order to keep yourself at the top of the search engine results page. So, I've got just a quick tip that I think some people might find helpful as I get the impression that there are many people in the forum who struggle in this area and thought this might help. If you're time poor, here is a really quick way to keep on top of your SEO that many people are missing.

Re-hash existing content!

If you've been around for a while you'll likely have blogs and posts going back the age of your business. Whether or not they're any good or not is a different matter but do use these again.

Updating an existing blog with more relevant keywords and content is perfectly acceptable and it will save you the time of starting from scratch. An old backlink is just as valuable as a new backlink so with a bit of a quick refresh, existing content can be re-shared. I'd advise you to go back into the vaults rather than something thathas recently been published so you dont risk sounding repetitive.
Depending on the age of your business, existing content is like fresh content for your new followers and it'll save you a lot of time and energy that you might not have to spare.

Has anyone else got a quick and easy SEO tip that they'd like to share?
#seo #timepoor #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Iftekhar Ahmed
    I have got some short points.

    1. Using a table of contents plugin helps you rank for your headings in a much better manner. Moreover, it gets displayed differently on search engine. I rank mostly all of my subheadings as well just using this. Though I do have authority, but it does have an impact.

    2. Its known that the more your page gets clicks from search, the more the ranks will improve (provided that the click doesn't result into pogo-sticking). So try to attract audience in a way that they reach your keyword using search. You can also share the long link that is shown first whenever you click a link from search results. Its a google search redirect link that opens up your site. It also tells Google that the referral is Google search engine. So share the long links. It can help if done in bulk.

    I guess these are enough. Let me know if you want me to add more.
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