Seeking Alternative to Optimizr

by ep2002
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So I was using this site to notify me of problems with my site.

It's automatic, & they e-mail me the issues so it's easy to fix them. Issues like broken images, Google isn't indexing pages & why, etc.

Well today I couldn't log in as it said my p/w was wrong even though it shouldn't be. The site was taking forever to load & I never got the p/w reset e-mail.

So I searched on FB & they were nowhere to be found, but another company posted that they hide who they really are, so someone else searched for me & found out that the site is known as being a scammer.

I even think that Malwarebytes was blocking them, but I can't be certain since it didn't tell me which site it blocked.

Anyway, can someone recommend another site that does this for free & is really good?

#alternative #optimizr #seeking

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