My site stuck on 2nd page on Google for search terms defence jobs - how can it improve?

3 replies
  • SEO
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I have used all the techniques - Onpage seo, Off page, Quality backlinks. but no return... stuck on 02th page, 30the, 76th with other keywords,

please suggest me some techniques to get defence jobs on first page of google. here is my site => Governmet Jobs . Thanks in advance.
#‘defence #2nd #google #improve #jobs’ #page #search #site #stuck #terms
  • Profile picture of the author iwantbreak
    opt for guest blogging that is the best SEO strategy so far I have came across... this is how you can do it -
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    If you did all the right things, you need to do more of the part with backlinks.

    If you're stuck that far down, though, I'm thinking you don't have quality backlinks.

    Ah, I looked at your homepage... You don't deserve to rank... lousy content, not much by way of SEO. Find yourself someone who knows SEO and have them do it or teach you.

    Start with proper keyword research.

    Originally Posted by Daniel Asadhi View Post

    I have used all the techniques - Onpage seo, Off page, Quality backlinks. but no return... stuck on 02th page, 30the, 76th with other keywords,

    please suggest me some techniques to get defence jobs on first page of google. here is my site => Governmet Jobs . Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Endrue11
    SEO is a log term process, So you need to more quality, relevant and trusted websites links and also check your website content is quality or not.
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