Ideas for pricing a "Google my Business" setup?

6 replies
  • SEO
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I am thinking of promoting a service to set up local business' "Google my Business". Any recommendations for how much to charge for this service in the US?

I searched for this topic, but didn't find it. If there is another thread about this, please post the link.
#google my business #ideas #pricing #setup
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    $50 maybe. I don't know. I wouldn't charge much. It takes about 5 minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author JessicaLjung
    Marketing for local businesses is very different than marketing for digital ones. Local SEO alone is a very different beast than regular SEO. There's also the whole world of in-store marketing to master. And the list goes on. One of the best marketing resources (aside from email, of course) for local businesses is a Google My Business site. These are completely free. Well-executed, they can be a major business boost to your marketing efforts.
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    • Profile picture of the author BeverlyTaylor
      Jessica, I agree as we do offer local SEO. I've just not promoted setting up Google My Business, but I am considering doing that to get our foot in the door with new businesses.

      Do you have a recommendation for how much to charge to set up Google My Business?
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    The problem with using a Google My Business page to get your foot in the door is it does not really benefit them much. You can set it up, but if it is not ranking (which it won't be in most cases without further work), they won't get any traffic and business from it.

    So why are they going to order additional services from you?
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