Travel related websites that accept guest posts for free?

7 replies
  • SEO
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Hey guys,

Can you advise me of any travel related websites/blogs that accept free guest posts? The content I'll be providing is unique, well written, interesting and informative.

Thanks in advance.
#accept #free #guest #post #related #travel #websites
  • Do Google search. There are definitely a lot of these sites online. You can search "travel site: guest posts" on the search bar to begin with.
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  • Profile picture of the author CharuAggarwal
    Most of the websites accept guest posting. But the issue is about approval. You need to search travel bloggers and contact them for guest posting.


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  • Profile picture of the author Madhukar B
    If you are writing a genuine & Quality article then there might be chances or else I would like to suggest starting your own blog on blogger.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat Lepinath
    Hi, not sure if you are still interested, but I have a travel blog, that has a section for free Guest posting, let me know and I'll give you some more information.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Try searching these type of blogs in google ,Start contacting them and wait for an answer ,this its also a number game dont give up until you succed
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  • Actually, It is the best way to find some website about your business related. And also most of the site except guest posting but I am not sure about approved. You do one thing just try to good way.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Keep a list of your competitors, run them through ahrefs and check if you get any leads.
    Go a google search related to it its not that difficult. or you can give this a try

    Make sure to provide a high quality content else you will never get any oppurtunity.
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