Recreating pages on PBN that aren't archived - what would you do?

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I'm getting a new domain for my PBN soon, but unfortunately does not have any data of some of the pages from some very good backlinks.

Another thing I could see, since had archived the homepage, was that they recently changed their platform from page.aspx over to wordpress.

Should I recreate the .aspx pages, or should I create new pages on the wordpress platform with some text i write myself, and use 301 redirects? What's the best approach for keeping the juice of the backlinks?
#archived #pages #pbn #recreating
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by TKzTechnology View Post

    I'm getting a new domain for my PBN soon, but unfortunately does not have any data of some of the pages from some very good backlinks.

    Another thing I could see, since had archived the homepage, was that they recently changed their platform from page.aspx over to wordpress.

    Should I recreate the .aspx pages, or should I create new pages on the wordpress platform with some text i write myself, and use 301 redirects? What's the best approach for keeping the juice of the backlinks?

    Honestly, I wouldn't be using any content from Just because you bought the domain that does not give you the rights to someone else's content. You can be sued for that if the old owner sees it and wishes to pursue it. You are violating their copyright.
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    • Profile picture of the author TKzTechnology
      Doesn't that only implie for images, and not text? Anyway, what would you do with the pages?

      Would you recreate aspx pages, or create new wordpress pages and then use 301?
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by TKzTechnology View Post

        Doesn't that only implie for images, and not text? Anyway, what would you do with the pages?

        Would you recreate aspx pages, or create new wordpress pages and then use 301?

        No. It includes all of the content.

        It depends on the pages and the links pointing at the pages. If there are good links pointing to the page and the links are relevant to the site I'm setting up, I'll create a new page there that is similar to the old one. If it was completely unrelated, but the links are still good, I'll redirect the page to a new page or the home page.
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        • Profile picture of the author TKzTechnology
          Wouldn't it be a bit shady to 301 redirect the pages to the home page though?
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          • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
            Originally Posted by TKzTechnology View Post

            Wouldn't it be a bit shady to 301 redirect the pages to the home page though?
            If it is 1-2, not really. If it is 50 of them, then yes. That increases the chances of the site being identified as just a network site.
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