Cloud hosting or shared hosting for PBN?

2 replies
  • SEO
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I've recently started to look at some cloud hosting services like Vultr and a few others since they provide dedicated IPs and reasonable prices, but are these better than shared hosting? On some of the domains, I have chosen shared hosting (popular services), and when I go look at the sites hosted on the same server, it varies from 50-1500+, and I guess this increases the chance of the domain being in a "bad neighborhood"?

What would you guys recommend?
#cloud #hosting #pbn #shared
  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    When building PBNs its best to host website on as many different hosting as possible.
    So Dedicated and Shared both can work for you better to keep as many different possible options.
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    • Profile picture of the author simon leach
      I am not very SEO savvy and considering marketing with some PBN's. But I've read that Google is starting to crack down on PBN's and sites that use them. Is this a real concern?
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