Effects of Good Subdomain Relevance

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I have an e-commerce and also a blog.

You can find my e-commerce, for example, with the URL: mystore.com and my blog on the URL: blog.mystore.com

If I start to get good links for the blog, it will affect directly the relevance of the store itself? I mean, getting backlinks to the URL blog.mystore.com will help I rank better for mystore.com?

Thanks in advance.
#effects #good #relevance #subdomain
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    No. Google treats subdomains as completely different websites. If you want the domain to help the blog and vice-versa, put it in a folder on the domain - mystore.com/blog.

    All sorts of people will chime in on this thread and say it doesn't matter but they will all be flat out wrong!
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    • Profile picture of the author IceFlok

      In the first store's version we had the blog in a folder on the domain, but as we changed the platform, the developers said it would be better putting the blog in a subdomain.

      Talking on the SEO perspective, having the blog in a subdomain is really worthy/better?
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      • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
        Originally Posted by IceFlok View Post


        In the first store's version we had the blog in a folder on the domain, but as we changed the platform, the developers said it would be better putting the blog in a subdomain.

        Talking on the SEO perspective, having the blog in a subdomain is really worthy/better?
        No, as everyone has said, putting the blog on a subdmain is WORSE for SEO if you want the blog to help the main domain and vice-versa.

        Sounds to me like your developers are using a very old shopping cart platform that does not have a blog integrated into it, so they HAVE TO put it on a subdomain. Most decent shopping carts integrated a blog into the platform years ago.
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        • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
          Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

          No, as everyone has said, putting the blog on a subdmain is WORSE for SEO if you want the blog to help the main domain and vice-versa.

          Sounds to me like your developers are using a very old shopping cart platform that does not have a blog integrated into it, so they HAVE TO put it on a subdomain. Most decent shopping carts integrated a blog into the platform years ago.

          Hell, it doesn't even have to be a part of the shopping cart platform if the developers know what they are doing. You can install Wordpress into a subfolder, and have your blog. Wordpress does not have to go in the root domain.
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        • Profile picture of the author IceFlok
          Thanks again! Your answers are being quite helpful to me! I am really glad!

          The last one question: so basically, all my Linking Building done in the blog referring to my store was worthless?
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          • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
            Originally Posted by IceFlok View Post

            Thanks again! Your answers are being quite helpful to me! I am really glad!

            The last one question: so basically, all my Linking Building done in the blog referring to my store was worthless?
            If the blog was on a subdomain, it is one domain linking multiple times to another. Having 50 different links from the same place is not the same as having 50 unique domains linking to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Sub-domains are considered as separate domains by the search engines so no getting links for a sub-domain will not help the root directory to get ranked better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackjohn01
    Sub-domain is marked as different website by google so it will not affected by your root domain but you can do linking of both domains.

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