Someone copied my whole website and has more traffic than mine!

12 replies
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I have been working on a website for the last 9 years. One of my competitor copied all my content, images etc and has more traffic than mine on his. I feel afraid to publish new content on my website, what should I do?
#copied #mine #traffic #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Beginnersblog
    Vishal back in days I also have the same issue, Someone had copied 55 posts of mine without making any changes.
    I just switched to Google DMCA copyright dashboard and submitted all those URLs to the DMCA. Fortunately, Google fixed my issue.
    They had removed all those copied URLs form their directory.
    You can do the same for your solution.

    check out this guide know how you can submit a request to DMCA
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    I hope people pay attention to this. It is proof that content is not king, and definitely proof that Google really doesn't care about original content.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDevloper
    use dmca(.)com service, 10$/month, they do dmca take down for you.
    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by Vishal Rana View Post

    I have been working on a website from last 9 years. one of my competitor copied all content, images etc and has more traffic than mine on his. I feel afraid to publish new content on my website, what should I do !

    Well, you should have been watermarking images with your domain name/URL for direct traffic from competition sites.

    If it was me I'd test to see how competition is scraping.

    Watermark one image the next time you post on your own site and see If competition still post your image on their site. If this happens that means the competition site is scraping with a bot/plugin on autopilot and they're not reviewing your content before it goes live on their site. This means you have control of the competition site/content and can do anything you want with their pages/content (AKA self promote like a mofo).

    There's nothing you can do as far as SEO except do better SEO than competition.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marcus W K Wong
      I'd second Yukon on this. If they're getting more traffic than you, you could effectively double the lead generation based on self promotion through content (if they're dumb enough to be auto scape and posting).

      If your content is there to prime your traffic for your product and used for conversion rather than just SEO, it's entirely plausible to get your 'copycats' to do some of the grunt work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephPMorris
    Do you complain that? I think google just a robot. But if you complain that on google support site, Then I think you will take some success issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Google does not hate stolen content. However, with a name like vishal rana, and people living in delhi...

    It is stupid to even mention DMCA.

    You people obviously have no clue as to what it is.

    Hint: Aint gonna work in delhi.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    go to DMCA as said

    BUT pay attention to an element: WHY he made more traffic than you with the same content?

    You need to ask yourself why, go to semrush and investigatr backlinks and so on...
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  • Profile picture of the author toydistrict
    Send the site owner a notice first to remove content. If that doesn't work, do a domain check, find where it is hosted, and contact the web host with the complaint.
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