True Off Page SEO techniques in 2017

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Now a Days Off-Page SEO techniques such as link exchange, forum commenting, social media engagements etc. If these not significant anymore, then please suggest some effective off page techniques.
#2017 #page #seo #techniques #true
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Originally Posted by nortoncomsetup View Post

    Now a Days Off-Page SEO techniques such as link exchange, forum commenting, social media engagements etc. If these not significant anymore, then please suggest some effective off page techniques.
    What you are suggesting are not even off-page techniques anymore.
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
    Forum Management & Promotion, SEO Tips, Money Making tips etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author solutionstechly
    you can do good contents submissions like Article, Press Release, Blog, Web 2.0 . This will help you.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by solutionstechly View Post

      you can do good contents submissions like Article, Press Release, Blog, Web 2.0 . This will help you.
      None of the above will help you rank better. If you can place the link yourself on another website that you do not control, it is a worthless link.

      follow Brian Dean on his Backlinko blog if you want ways to get real links that actually help.
      Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
      We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author khairulbd95
    you are right
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  • Profile picture of the author raisul2323
    Article submission,web 2.0,Backlink through Blog commenting etc. can be effective for your website also.
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  • Profile picture of the author aravalisec43
    Off-page SEO will help make your website popular on the internet, so you can get more visibility. With the on-page techniques we can get visibility in search engines. But only off-page SEO techniques will help improve your website position in SERP. Take a look at the list of top 10 best off-page SEO techniques now in trend.
    1. Social Media Engagement
    2. Social Bookmarking
    3. Forum Submission
    4. Blog Directory Submission
    5. Article Submission
    6. Question and Answer
    7. Video Submission
    8. Image Submission
    9. Infographics Submission
    10. Document Sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOptimization@1
    Try To Follow Diversified Links Strategy:

    Unique Content - Articles and Descriptions for Blogs, Bookmark and Tier 2 Submissions
    Quality Blog Submissions
    Edu Links Submissions
    Tier 2 Submissions
    Profile Links Submissions
    High DA/TF Blogs Submissions (DA upto 99 and TF upto 28)
    High RD Blogs Submissions (RD upto 4317)
    Social Media Submissions (Upto 32+ Websites)
    Tier 2 Submissions of High DA Blogs
    Social Media Submissions of High DA Blogs
    Press Release Submission (300+ websites)
    Tier 2 Submissions of PR Links
    Social Media Submissions of PR Links


    Anchor text is "exact match" if it includes a keyword that mirrors the page that is being linked to. For example: 'link building' linking to a page about link building.

    Anchor text that includes a variation of the keyword on the linked-to page. For example: 'link building strategies' linking to a page about link building.

    A brand name used as anchor text. For example: 'BHW' linking to an article on the BHW Forum.

    Naked Link
    A URL that is used as an anchor '' is a naked link anchor.

    A generic word or phrase that is used as the anchor. "Click here" or "Read more" is a common generic anchor.

    Whenever an image is linked, Google will use the text contained in the image's alt attribute as the anchor text.

    Hope that works for your website and improves google ranking.

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  • Video promotions
    Social bookmarking
    Classified ads
    Blog Comenting
    Image Sharing
    Infographics sharing
    QA sites posting
    Article submission
    Directory submission
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  • Profile picture of the author seangibson
    In 2017 you have to focus on Comunities just like forums discussion, Gust post Social Media etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Nonsi
    Still, are you using link exchange?

    Please use google news post outreach, Infographics outreach, premium PBN outreach etc.

    Build quality backlinks not quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesSmithry
    Quality content and relevant backlinks is most important in today marketing. Paid link work with it should relevant and valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author vickyciky
    Off page SEO relates to the other aspects that influence the search ranking of websites on the Search Engine Result Page.

    1. Social Media Engagement.
    2. Social Bookmarking Sites.
    3. Forum Submission
    4.Blog Directory Submission.
    5. Article Submission.
    6. Question and Answer.
    7. Video Submission.
    8. Image Submission.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexPam
    Links still work well if used properly. Make them diverse, look natural, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author MineralMinds
    Off page SEO shouldn't be thought about as trying to attract links. It is about promoting your brand in such a way that those that would be interested in knowing about it can find out about it better. This means not just throwing links out here there and everywhere, hoping some catch on to something, but actually providing useful content in places where it would be appreciated.
    Forum posting can work - if you are acutually directing someone to your site who would benefit.
    Guest blogging can work - if you are talking about things related to your area of interest and the readers of the article will benefit from your content, even if it doesnt directly lead to traffic on your site (reputability in your subject is equally important).

    No strategy that is designed to acutally improve user expreiences is likely to be detrimental to your link building strategy. The worst you can do is to try and work out where you can force an unnatural link in - that will be no good at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    It's all about building relationships, skyscraper technique (look it up) with website owners.

    Guest Posts & PBN's is all I do. Main thing though, is I try to be super conservative with money targeted anchor text keywords. I think Google is just getting smarter and knowing that if there's a main target keyword, that the intention is to rank for that specific keyword.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author neal patel
    do off page activities like
    Web 2.0
    Blog submission
    Guest blogging
    Infographic submission
    Article submission

    these are the most effective off page SEO techniques followed.
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  • Profile picture of the author clean99
    I'm with Dave here, Backlinko blog is definitely worth reading. But then it also depends on what kind of SEO you are interested in.

    If you are going Blackhat then learn how to create your own Private Blog Networks (PBN), if you are going Whitehat then read through Backlinko and QuickSprout blogs.

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  • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
    I love threads like this. I hope my competitors follow all the advice from the clowns above.
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Ah - the voice of reason. Thought I'd strayed into La La Land.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Most do. That's why you don't have it harder than you do.

      That said, I'm going to do my special SEO ritual for the evening, I'm going to drink me some Amaretto... It does my keywords more good than a thousand bookmarks.

      Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

      I love threads like this. I hope my competitors follow all the advice from the clowns above.
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  • Profile picture of the author Naseem Kaloo
    I don't think social media engagements, forum posting or blog commenting are no more effective. In fact, through these activities, we get backlinks as well as social media is a way we get traffic on site. So, they are effective!
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  • Editorial Posts
    Video shares
    PDF Shares
    Info graphic image shares
    Social media shares
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