Ranking changing position everyday
- SEO |
I have a keyword that I am ranking for. This keyword was my #1 word for bringing traffic to my site. Since the beginning I was also the Rank #1 for this keyword but months ago another site got the first position and now we are "fighting" for the first place.
Using SemRush and of course, searches that I do by myself (using anonymous mode on Chrome), everyday I check my position on this keyword and sometimes I am in first place as sometimes I am the third result.
There are days that by the morning I am #1 and by night I found myself on rank #4.
Why there is this huge variation on my ranking? Now I am more focused on this keyword to guarantee my first position but it seems that everything I am doing is not having the effect that I am looking forward.
Looking forward to hear from you what can be causing this "problem".
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