SEO implications of moving a self-hosted e commerce store to a hosted solution

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For some reason I cannot post in the SEO forum. I keep getting a red error band that says I do not have enough posts yet.
Here's my question: I have an e commerce website that is performing well in search. The website hosts its own store, using what used to be a state of the art shopping cart solution. It is missing some key functions that I would like, and I'm thinking about moving just the store portion of the website to a hosted solution (Shopify). My current site hosts a blog that gets lots of traffic which I can funnel to items on my store. Also the store products are indexed and show up well in search (not all, but many). Am a right I that such a move would be splitting current SEO value between two properties (I know I can redirect product links to the hosted store)? Would another self-hosted solution like woocommerce be better?
#commerce #hosted #implications #moving #selfhosted #seo #solution #store
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I moved the thread to SEO section for you -p[er the forum rules. some forum sections require minimum number of posts before you can start a thread there.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    We have moved dozens of websites over to Shopify, so I speak from experience here ...

    Because Shopify is one of the only hosted eCommerce solutions that does not allow you to specify the exact URL of any of your pages and they use a different URL structure than any other eCommerce software, you WILL lose rankings for a period of time - even if you 301 all of the old URLs to the new URLs. Eventually, (1-2 months), those rankings should recover.

    Definitely make sure you have written down all of your old URLs and 301 them to the new URLs, which should reduce the amount of time you experience the rankings hit. Also, if you know that a certain time of the year is a little more dead than other times of the year, make the move then.
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    • Profile picture of the author Car Elz
      Thank you for the good advice! I really appreciate your time.
      But I am still wondering about my original question: what is the SEO implications on an existing e commerce site of continuing to self host (using woocommerce) or send shoppers off site over to shopify. If we use shopify, I would maintain the existing site because it gets significant traffic to a large number of posts which funnels visitors to an email sign up or directly to a product. We work really hard to maintain ranking and traffic flow. I can find a lot of info on how to reduce the impact of moving an entire website to shopify, but not how a split approach would affect SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    As long as the content is not duplicated, a second site should have zero impact on the first site.
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