Why isn't full meta title showing up in the Google SERPS?

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We carry a product line, cutless bearings (for use on boats).

For instance, we have one, called the Able, that has the following meta title (and searched by View Page Source to confirm): ABLE 3/4" x 1 - 1/4" x 3" Johnson Cutless Bearing | DURAMAX

However, if I search for it on on Google, the meta title comes back with whole first part chopped off, only showing this : "x 3" Johnson Cutless Bearing | ABLE Cutlass Duramax"

Any idea why?

Here's the url if it will hopefully help: (link deleted by moderator)
All the products in the category are doing the same.

#full #google #meta #serps #showing #title
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King

    Link was removoed -have you look at that link recently? It contains only an alert saying 'this product no longer available'...could that be a problem?

    A member posted some interesting info about meta titles on the link below

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11572799].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author smithmary01
      Yes you are right and meta description is somewhere between 150 to 160 characters including spaces.
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  • Profile picture of the author cmsminds
    As per Google's guideline, it is good to have a Custom Meta title for your web page. But it is not necessary that Google will show that Title or any part of that title in the SERP. If Google finds that another version of your title from the content or only some part from the Meta title is good enough, then it will show that part only. So, whatever you have written in Meta Title is a suggestion to Google to show but it is not a compulsion for Google to show that exact Meta title.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChronoInfotech
    The meta title is the 1st impression to the user. As per the Google guidelines, 50-60 characters will display on the search results. So above 60 Characters will automatically hide on SERP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Philarmon
    I'd guess that the quotation marks is the problem, in HTML it will look like you are closing the attribute with the first quotation mark (for inches).

    Try to replace the quotaion marks with " in your title, then they should be encoded properly:

    <meta property="title" content="ABLE 3/4&quot; x 1 - 1/4&quot; x 3&quot; Johnson Cutless Bearing | DURAMAX"/>
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  • Profile picture of the author TANYA TYAGI
    Meta Title and Meta Description are not showing up in the search engine result page because of many reasons. Maybe your title you specified is too short or too long. Or may be your specified title doesn't reflect what your page is all about. Title must have contain 50-60 characters. And Description contains 155-160 characters.
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