How to prevent spam visits lowering the average stay time?

3 replies
  • SEO
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Our competitors from India and China use bots to generate many spam visits to our website, stay for a very short time, and leave, which lowers the average stay time of our website.

A low average stay time will damage SEO and lower our ranking in Google.

1. How to prevent this?
2. Will Google count in the stay time of Google Bots and other bots? I think these bots will also stay for a short time.
3. Will Google count in the stay time for 404, 500 and other error status codes? These error pages will also stay for a short time.
#average #lowering #prevent #spam #stay #time #visits
  • Profile picture of the author Fathima M
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11776077].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
    Will answer each question separately:
    1) Implement CAPRCHA, IP blocking and analytics tools.
    2) Google bot's won't affect SEO. It differentiate btwn genuine and malicious bots.
    3)No, google may not count stay time in 404,500 and other error status codes.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Very few things are really known about how Google handles things like this but I suspect that either now or in the very near future, Google will/has identified these spam bots and their algorithm will (or already) ignores anything that has to do with their interaction with websites.
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    My PROVEN ecommerce process, as seen on: Fox Business News, the NY Times & Flippa
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayson76
    I don't see anyway to to keep bots out as far as visiting. However, though, you might try getting a huge amount of real visitors via good content. If so many real visitors come in, it could drown out the bots and their negative effects. Well, this is just me commenting from stuff I read today.
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