do I have to have money for PPC?

5 replies
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Hey guys,

I am would like to start PPC marketing but I am low on funds right now. I only have $200 left in my account to spare on marketing efforts, would $200 be sufficient for PPC marketing or should I invest in more money? Also what would be a minimum amount to invest in PPC marketing for a newbie who is looking to start small.
#money #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author David Mintzer
    I can not offer you much advice since I am a newbie myself. From what I have learned we not use PPC for marketing. I learned we need to start off with free methods like traffic exchanges and safelists.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      IMHO here's what you need to do in order to do PPC on a tight budget:

      - start with a few extremely targeted, buying keywords
      - use only exact match. In some cases phrase match is ok
      - do not use the content network
      - make sure your landing page and ads are VERY good before you start
      - make sure you understand what you need to do in order to get a low CPC (high quality score)

      Start slow and do other kinds of marketing at the same time so that you can add funds to your account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karomesis
    I would echo most of what Sara just said adding that a very small amount of keyword research will pay dividends to your PPC campaign.

    The long tail of the keywords are the holy grail of PPC, the more specific the keyword/phrase, the more likely a buyer is near the end of the marketing funnel and nearing a purchase decision.

    for instance, someone who types in "fitness" or "lose weight" is closer to the top of the marketing funnel, whereas someone who types in 'how to get fit for your wedding" is near the end and is more refined in what they want from people like us.

    I use Wordtracker and it kicks ass their top keyword report costs over $200k

    Coming soon....FULL SCALE AUTOMATION.
    "Set it...Forget it" site building and SEO software.

    any ? please hit me up anytime

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  • Profile picture of the author Mattk
    It totally depends on your niche and your product.

    I spend between $1.00 and $5.00 a day on PPC, but my sales generate between $10 and $40 per day.

    I find of all the traffic coming to my website, the PPC traffic converts the best by far.

    I am an advocate for PPC marketing, but you need to test.

    I would plan on playing with about $50 - $75 of your $200 for some initial testing.

    Be prepared to lose that money and you won't be discouraged. However you might just make 10X that amount.

    Bottom line is take it slow and test, test, test.
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    • Profile picture of the author syedasim786
      You are absolutely right Mattk, after doing further research into PPC marketing, and going through the Ninja PPC program, it looks like one needs to do there all of there homework and research before jumping into a campaign. Also begin with testing, testing, and some more testing until you find your "winning formula" as Mike Morgan would say.
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